A simple multi-room chat application built using node.js as web server, express3 as web framework, socket.io for real-time event handling, and jade for templating.
I got this idea from a friend who wanted to create a chat web application for a university campus in which each chat room could be representations of a building, classroom, common area, or virtual study space. I wanted users to be able to chat in seconds, with no login. I think there is an appeal in chatrooms being a virtual representation of a physical area of space, even though this is in no ways enforceable, it can still be very powerful in knowing that the people that are in the same chat room as you are close to you.
I wrote this chat application for fun and to improve my programming skills. With a hope that some people can use it and benefit from it.
This is and always will be a work in progress, please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or if you'd like to submit a bug report.
Install foreverjs @ https://github.com/foreverjs/forever
On server, execute forever server.js > out.txt &
Davis Wang [email protected]
Jason Chan [email protected]
James Cui [email protected]