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Antonio Davide edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 7 revisions

It's possible to use variables inside JSON files with the syntax ${variablename}, here is a list of the supported ones:


Name Description Example
VERSION Current schema version ${VERSION}
env Environment variables (equals to vim.env) ${env.HOME}
sep Operating system path separator ${sep}
file The current opened file (full path) ${file}
file_name The current opened file name (with extension) ${file_name}
file_stem The current opened file name (without extension) ${file_name}
selected_text The current selected text in the current buffer `${selected_text}
os_name Operating system name (in lowercase) ${os_name}
user_home Operating system user's HOME folder ${user_home}
number_of_cores Number of CPU cores ${number_of_cores}
workspace_folder Workspace root folder ${workspace_folder}
workspace_name Workspace name (folder name is used) ${workspace_name}
cwd NeoVim working directory ${cwd}
state Workspace state (see config.json) ${state.myvar}
ws Workspace variables (see variables.json) ${ws.myvar}
globals Automaton builtin variables (see globals) ${globals.gvar}
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