v0.2.1 (12-07-2023)
Added Documentation
- Added documentation for the detection and labelling widget
- Added Instructions for installation using python v-env -
New features
- Installation and Running .bat scripts
- Manipulator positions calibration for TESCAN
- Microscope positions available in the movement widget
- Added minimap of microscope positions
- Added a fibsem version number for development tracking
- Live chat (experimental)
- Autoliftout utils
- GIS Widget for cryo-control of gas injection
- Embedded detection widget -
Fixed bugs
- fixed issue where parameters were passed incorrectly for milling
- fixed Eucentric movement where z-direction was flipped -
Updated Functionality / Improved Processes
- system/model yaml files can now be modified from the system widget
- demo log paths now in fibsem base directory
- scan/image rotation now saved to microscope state
- An option to click to move multiple milling stages together is now available
- Added a crosshair to the images
- movement of milling pattern now emits a pyqt signal (backend)
- Manufacturer / model /serial no info can now be accessed/saved
- Manipulator UI adaptive based on if manipulator is retracted or inserted
- Enabled granular hardware control for stage and manipulator (backend), eg: disable rotation only