Releases: DeanIsMe/SevSeg
Releases · DeanIsMe/SevSeg
SevSeg 3.7.0
SevSeg 3.6.1
Minor bug fix from 3.6.0 (corrected setChars() data type)
SevSeg 3.6.0
- changed all data types to stdint.h types for better compatibility
- removed floating point support from setNumber()
- added new function to set a floating point number: setNumberF()
SevSeg v3.5.0
Now released under the MIT License. This is less restrictive than the previous license used: Apache 2.0 License.
- better compatibility with different boards & platforms
- getSegments() function
- added underscore
- differentiated 'I' and '1'
SevSeg v3.4.0
- Support for '*', which is displayed as the degree symbol
- Expanded setBrightness() capabilities
- Support for displays with no decimal point
- Improved blank() functionality
SevSeg v3.3.0
- Minor feature added: you can now keep leading zeros on the display.
SevSeg v3.2.0
Backwards compatible with version 3.1
Updated to Arduino 1.5 Library Specification
New display function - no longer consumes processor time with delay()
Now supports hexadecimal number printing
The decimal point can now be omitted with a negative decPlaces
Alphanumeric strings can be displayed (inaccurately) with setChars
Removed #define RESISTORS_ON_SEGMENTS. Now a begin() input
Can now blank() the display
Now 'heavier' - uses more PROGMEM and RAM
SevSeg v3.1
SevSeg v3.1
Includes bug fixes and other changes made in the cimmits since v3.0.