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Advanced Discord Bot Template

This is a Discord.js bot using discord.js v13.


To begin with, you need node.js installed on your system.

Once you have node.js installed, continue below.

  • Clone this repository somewhere on your machine.
  • Open a command prompt in the bots root directory
  • Run npm i

Bot Setup

  • Go to the Discord Dev page
  • If you haven't created a new application, then create one now. Otherwise, just open the application
  • Go to the Bot tab on the left. If you haven't created a bot account yet, create one now, and then copy the token
  • Scroll down a bit and enable Server Members Intent and Message Content Intent
  • Rename the file template.env to .env
  • Inside the .env file, change the token to your token: token=TOKEN_THAT_YOU_COPIED_EARLIER
  • Open config.json and set the configs that you want
  • In the commands/1Sample/invite.js file, and change the permissions array to what permissions your bot needs
  • If all is well, then run node . or node src/bot.js

Invite Bot

  • Back at the Discord Dev page, click on your application and click copy under Application ID
  • Then replace the hashtags in this link with your Application ID that you just copied

Using The Code

This is just a brief explanation of how the code works to help you better understand how I decided to structure the code.

The src folder holds all the "code" for the discord bot. Outside of it is other extra stuff, like packages and configurations.

In the commands folder, you can create new "categories" by creating new folders. These folders have to start with a number, and the reason for this is so the folders get organized the way you want them to for the help command.

In each of the subfolders of the commands folder, you can hold the commands themselves. The filenames and the name value must be the same.

The subfolders mean that they will show up as a category in the help command.

In those subfolders, you can add more folders, which refer to sub commands of a the original command. I have a tempalte folder so you can see what I mean.

The events folder contains events that happen in discord, such as a message being sent, or a button being clicked.

The handlers folder contains files that are run as soon as the bot starts, and registers all the events and commands into collections to then be later retrieved.

bot.js is the entry file, runs all the handler files, and logs the bot in using the token


  • npm run cooldown : Calculates the amount of seconds to use as a cooldown in a given timeframe

Code Templates

New Command:

//Helpful Imports
const { runSubCmd, getAllSubCmds } = require('@utils/subCommands')
const { MessageButton, MessageActionRow } = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
    name: "FILE_NAME",
    description: "A description",
    aliases: [], //Optional (Defaults to none)
    botPerms: [], //Optional
    permissions: [], //Optional (Permissions for the user)
    usage: "", //Optional
    cooldown: 3, //Optional (Defaults to 0)
    subcommands: [require('./folder/subCmdFileName')],
    onlyDebug: true, //Optional (Defaults to false)
    async execute(message, args, cmd, client, Discord, prefix) {
        //Runs a subcommand
        if (runSubCmd(client.commands.get(cmd), args.shift(), { message: message, cmd: cmd, client: client, Discord: Discord, prefix: prefix }))

      //Your code in here

New Sub Command

//Helpful Imports
const { runSubCmd, getAllSubCmds } = require('@utils/subCommands')
const { MessageButton, MessageActionRow } = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
  name: "FILE_NAME",
  description: "A description",
    aliases: [], //Optional (Defaults to none)
    botPerms: [], //Optional
    permissions: [], //Optional (Permissions for the user)
    usage: "", //Optional
    cooldown: 3, //Optional (Defaults to 0)
    subcommands: [require('./folder/subCmdFileName')],
    onlyDebug: true, //Optional (Defaults to false)
  async execute(message, args, cmd, client, Discord, prefix, currentCmd, parentCommand, argsIndex) {

    if (runSubCmd(currentCmd, args.shift(), { message: message, cmd: cmd, client: client, Discord: Discord, prefix: prefix }, argsIndex))

    //Your code here


New Button Collector:

let button1 = new MessageButton()
    .setLabel('Sample Button')
const row = new MessageActionRow()

await{ content: 'Sample', components: [row] }).then(msg => {
    const sampleFilter = btn => btn.customId === 'BUTTON_ID' && ===;
      const sampleFilterCollector = msg.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter: sampleFilter, time: 10000 }); //10 seconds to use the button

      sampleFilterCollector.on('collect', async i => {
        await i.update({ content: 'The button was clicked!', components: [row] })

      sampleFilterCollector.on('end', async i => {
				await i.update({ content: `This interaction has timed out! Try running the command again`})

New Select Menu Collector:

let menu1 = new MessageSelectMenu()
        .setPlaceholder('Nothing selected')
                label: 'Option 1',
                description: 'A description',
                value: 'OPTION_ID',
const row = new MessageActionRow()

await{ content: 'Sample', components: [row] }).then(msg => {
    const sampleFilter = menu => menu.customId === 'SELECT_MENU_ID' && ===;
      const sampleFilterCollector = msg.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter: sampleFilter, time: 10000 }); //10 seconds to use the button

      sampleFilterCollector.on('collect', async i => {
        await i.update({ content: `Select Menu Option ID: ${i.value}`, components: [row] })

      sampleFilterCollector.on('end', async i => {
				await i.update({ content: `This interaction has timed out! Try running the command again`})


const row = new MessageActionRow()
        new MessageButton()


const row = new MessageActionRow()
        new MessageSelectMenu()
        .setPlaceholder('Nothing selected')
                label: 'Option 1',
                description: 'A description',
                value: 'OPTION_ID',

Important Links
