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Table of Contents
In this project we create a Dashboard based on which User would be able to analyze the sentiment of the specific stock. We can create an Analytical Server "OHLC" (Open/High/Low/Close) time series based on the ‘Stock List’.
The special features are:
- User can have the ability to search the different stocks based on the symbols and view the chart.
- Users can filter the stock’s performance on specific date range
- Users can switch between OHLC, Candlestick charts, Colored Bar, Vertex Line and Hollow Candle.
- User can see additional information about selected company. You can use this free resource to get company information by ticker symbol or use any other free API available on internet
This is built with the help of the below mentioned major libraries and also minor libraries which can be found in the Prerequisites section below .
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Required packages and how to install them.
pip install pandas
plotly - express, graph & objects
pip install plotly
pip install streamlit
pyEX [API]
pip install pyEX
- Make sure you have all the required packages installed
- Open the command line in the same folder where you cloned the repository
- Type the command
streamlit run path\to\file\
- Profit
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch
- Commit your Changes
- Push to the Branch
- Open a Pull Request
Debashish Phukon - [email protected]
Sidhesha Kaurav - [email protected]
Sneh Shah - [email protected]
Yash Jain - [email protected]
Ameya Kulkarni - [email protected]
Project Link: