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Pimp my Powerpuff

Welcome to our source speech repository about mobx-state-tree and powerpuffs.

  • All the information is in the README πŸ‘Œ
  • Source code of our livecoding is described here too ! πŸ“–
  • Feel free to open issues / PR πŸ€—

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This is about creating our first model

#30 - Create the first model and instanciate it

Writing our first model of Powerpuff is pretty simple. We'll call it Powerpuff (damn, clever πŸ€“)

  1. Import types from mobx-state-tree, this is the most common used API
  2. types is used to ... type fields πŸ‘Œ, we can also use it to describe models ! And types.model is the way to go !
  3. Here we create a model with only one field, a name which is a string !
  4. Ok, let's instanciate our model with Powerpuff.create({})
    • Powerpuff is our model
    • create means we instanciate a new tree, a new instance
    • {} is the snapshot, the raw data, to use to instanciate a new powerpuff !
  5. Let's print it with a console.log !
    • As you can see, we use powerpuff.toJSON() to convert our tree to a snapshot
  6. πŸ€” oups, it doesn't work at all ! This is because, by default, a field is required
  7. Let's instanciate our powerpuff, it will be... hm... Rebelle (the french name of Buttercup)
  8. Print it
  9. It works πŸŽ‰

#31 - Make fields optional

Sometimes we don't want fields to be required at creation

  1. To do so, we can use the type maybe, which sets the field to null if it's not defined
  2. So now, when we instanciate our powerpuff with an empty snapshot, it works !
  3. And if we want to instanciate the model with a valued name, we still can do it πŸ‘

#32 - Use more complex types

There are lots of available types provided by mobx-state-tree, find the entire list in the documentation

  1. Because a Powerpuff is not only a name but also has feelings 😑😊, we add the field mood to describe her
  2. Powerpuffs' personalities are simple thus possibilities are limited. Let's use an enumeration to define them
  3. If you try to create a Powerpuff with a mood which is not in the enumeration, it fails (Don't try to counterfeit a Powerpuff πŸ’ͺ)
  4. Use a mood of the enumeration and now you can instanciate a new Powerpuff !


This is how we update our model

#33 - Updating the model, the natural way

As you must be aware, Buttercup is more aggressive rather than happy. But the powerpuff is now instanciated, the damage is done. The unique solution to repair this mistake is to modify the instance.

  1. The natural way would be to set directly the mood attribute of the instance
  2. As you can guess, it crashes πŸ’₯

#34 - Updating the model, mobx-state-tree way

To mutate the model, mobx-state-tree wants you to create an action. That way mobx-state-tree can create snapshots and the immutability of the state is kept πŸ’–

  1. Describe the action within the function actions called on the model
  2. We give a callback to actions function. This callback takes self as parameter, it represents the instance itself. The function returns an object of defined actions
  3. Here our action is very simple : we set the mood field of the instance with the given mood
  4. Use this action to modify the instance, it works πŸŽ‰


There are functions that return values deduced from attributes: this is what we call views

#35 - Create a view

Do you know how old is our Powerpuffs now ?

  1. The best way to know is to add a birthday field to our model and then deduce the age from it πŸ’‘
  2. Btw, you can assign a value to a field when you create the model and mobx-state-tree will deduct the types like a grown up πŸ‘
  3. Now we can create a view which computes the actual age of our powerpuff. Use the function views on the model to describe it
  4. Like actions, views is given a callback which takes self as parameter and return an object of functions computing results
  5. Here we write a simple getter to have the current age of the powerpuff and use it like an attribute
  6. Calling this view on the instance gives us the current age of the powerpuff πŸŽ‰
  7. Note that when we print the powerpuff, her age isn't part of the snapshot but it's memoized by mobx-state-tree


It can be handy to do some computing during the model lifecycle. mobx-state-tree exposes lifecycle hooks that you can find in the documentation

#36 - preProcessSnapshot

Instead of injecting a snapshot to create a new Powerpuff, we want to use a string describing her.

  1. preProcessSnapshot is called before the model instanciation πŸ’β€β™€οΈ
  2. It takes the snapshot given to create the instance and returns a new snapshot matching the model
  3. Here we test if the given snapshot is a string
  4. If no, we assume it's a well formed snapshot and return it
  5. If yes, we extract the mood and the name and create a new object with this attributes matching the targeted model
  6. We can now use a sentence to instanciate our powerpuff, far much simpler ✨

#37 - afterCreate

Say we want Powerpuff's name to be always capitalized (it happens to forget to do it at instanciation, yes everybody can be mistaken, even better ones πŸ˜‰)

  1. afterCreate is called after the model instanciation πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ
  2. It should be defined as actions to access the self of the instance
  3. Here we simply capitalize the name and the job is done πŸ™Œ

Nested models

With mobx-state-tree, it's possible to define models that depends on others

#38 - Nest models

Now it's easy to create a Powerpuff, they are spreading and it's becoming a mess ! Let's create a store to bring back some order

  1. We create a new model, which will be our centralized Store, called Store (yeah, still clever πŸ€“)
  2. This model has a list of powerpuffs as attribute, which is an array of Powerpuff
  3. You can notice we introduced a new type : optional. It's like maybe but you can define the default value. Here we want an empty list of powerpuff if the snapshot doesn't have one
  4. The model has also a function to add a new Powerpuff into the list
  5. Instanciate a store without snapshot, you get a Store with an empty list of Powerpuff πŸŽ‰
  6. Instanciate some powerpuffs using the store action addPowerpuff on the store instance and its list of Powerpuff is filled ✨

References & Identifiers

We have a centralized Store which contains a list of Powerpuffs and we can edit one from its index in the array. What if the edited one is always store.edited ?

#39 - Creating a reference

First of all we add the edited field and declare it as a reference

  1. We create a new field named edited which contains the reference to the currently edited Powerpuff πŸ’‘. You can see it like a reference which an editing screen can work with
  2. This field is typed types.reference of the Powerpuff model
  3. We create an action to set this field, go on and call it setEdited!
  4. Set the first powerpuff as the edited one πŸ‘
  5. Print the store snapshot
  6. Oups, it doesn't work πŸ™€

#40 - Reference an identifier

A reference needs an identifier

  1. We must add an identifier to our Powerpuff, a number is fine, let's call it... hm... id 😎 !!
  2. The id is now required, we add it to preProcessSnapshot as a random number (🀒, this is just for the demo) and to the belle Powerpuff instance as an arbitary number
  3. Let's try to print the Store snapshot now!
  4. πŸŽ‰ it works πŸŽ‰, you can see the snapshot doesn't copy the value into edited field (which is a reference), mobx-state-tree takes care of optimisations, what a good boy 🐢!


We are sick of console.log everywhere, maybe mobx-state-tree can help us ? Yes it can! 😎 Let's see some debugging tools it provides

#41 - onPatch

How can we track each changes done on our store ?

  1. We import onPatch from mobx-state-tree: it allows us to listen to all patches applied to our store. Here we use it to simply print these patches
  2. We remove all the console.log and add the onPatch listener to our store instance, right after we created it
  3. Now as we run the demo and we see patches applied to the store printed to the console
  4. You can see πŸ‘€ that a patch contains:
    • path
    • action type
    • value
  5. This is our favorite tool to debug our store πŸ’š!

#42 - onSnapshot

What if we want to print the complete store snapshot after each mutation ? πŸ€”

  1. Ok this one, the last one, is an easy one!
  2. Replace all the onPatch by onSnapshot and tada πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰!!
  3. You can see on the console, all the store's snapshots for each mutation 😁
  4. This is great and this is what allows mobx-state-tree to behave like a Redux store. You can see a demo from mobx-state-tree repository!

If you like this demonstration/livecoding, you can tweet about it! - @MilletDelphine and @fabienjuif