Based on v0.8.6 WLED sources with changes for solid RGBW + RGBWW stripes.
The H801 Wifi version uses GPIOs 15, 13, 12, 14 and 04 for RGBWW and GPIO 0 for the IR Receiver.
The MagicHome RGBW version uses GPIOs 12, 5, 13 and 15 for RGBW (this is the sequence from +12V on) and GPIO 4 for the IR Receiver.
The following IR remotes are prepared to work with this release:
1: 24-keys white IR Remote
(there are two version out there - one is sending #F7.... (new) and the other #FF.... (old))
You can get it here: -
2: 24-keys white IR Remote with CW, WW, CT+ and CT- keys
(bundled with an LED Lamp from "LightZone")
3: 40-keys blue IR Remote "RGBW Controller"
You can get it here: -
4: 44-keys white IR Remote with 6 DIY keys.
You can get it here:
The IR-Diode can be used for the H801 (attach it to Vcc, GND and GPIO0).
The push button was disabled for the feature to work.
I've included 4 different IR remotes in this release, selectable from the settings menu (1 to 4):
- Infrared receiver type = 0 to disable IR Receiver.
- Infrared receiver type = 1 for the old white 24-key IR receiver
- Infrared receiver type = 2 for the white 24-key IR receiver with CW, WW, CT+ and CT-
- Infrared receiver type = 3 for the blue 40-key IR receiver
- Infrared receiver type = 4 for the white 44-key IR receiver
The new white 24-key remote does work in parallel with all 4 of the above as it has different ranges.