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DefbeatCZ edited this page Jan 10, 2020 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the Def's Long Term Survival wiki!

I have created this mod because I like the idea of long term base/survival, but feel limited by options currently provided in-game (the Project Zomboid is still awesome BTW). It may not be so great for players that prefer nomadic/scavenger style, as some of the mod mechanics are time-gated. E.g. using the Vanilla drying mechanics (towels), Dried Meat will take almost a week to get ready. Still, things like increased car trunk space or new weapon/tools mending may be useful.

Looking forward to any comments / recommendations I may get !

As Certain No.1 would say: "Live Long and Prosper" :)



  • Added new recipes to pack/unpack most items relevant to this mod, or its topic in general.
  • Added Storage Cellar - multi-stage project that will have capacity of 500 when finished. Can not be moved.
  • Added possibility to clean Empty Gas Can so they can be used to store water.
  • Increased all car trunks by x4.


  • Added lootable DYI workbooks - books that allow practicing (skill grind), using some resources in the process. There are books for Carpentry, Electricity, Metalwork and Tailoring.

QoL Changes

  • Added possibility to butcher corpses. Resulting flesh can be composted.
  • All Skill Books and most Magazines are renamed so they are properly sorted in the inventory screen.
  • All dead zombie can now drop more items from: Junk Food, Simple Weapons, Simple Mats (Duct Tape !).
  • Book, Comic Book, Newspaper and Magazine now changes to Used Literature after read. It can be used as fuel/firestarter.

Food Expansion

  • Added possibility to Dry food. There are 5 separate categories: Meat, Vegetable, Fruit, Mushroom, Herbs, each one following its own process and drying time.
  • Added new Spices: Fruit, Mushroom and Herbs Seasonings.
  • Added new Hot Drink components: Herbal, Fruit and Birch Bark Tea.
  • Foraged Nuts can be Mashed into Butter or Flour, making them renewable.
  • Wild Honey extracted from foraged honeycombs can be used instead of Vanilla Honey.

Simple Chemistry

  • Added process for wood burning, resulting in Charcoal and Wood Gas (Propane Replacement). Propane tank now become Empty Tank when depleted.
  • Added process for Lighter Fluid. Vanilla Lighters now become depleted when used up and can be filled again.
  • Added process for Potassium Salt production from Wood Ash. Potassium salt is used as Vanilla Salt replacement.
  • Added process for extracting Pine Tar from Pine Cones.
  • Added process for making Wood Glue. Vanilla Glue and Wood Glue now leaves empty bottles which can be refilled.

Tailoring Expansion

  • Cloth and Denim Fragments can now be recycled, resulting in Recycled Thread.
  • Recycled Thread can be used to weave Thread, Twine or Rope.

Wooden Bats Production and Improvement

  • Vanilla wooden Baseball Bat can now be crafted.
  • Vanilla bat can be reinforced to improve its durability.
  • Reinforced Bats can be completed with Barbed Wire to increase damage.
  • Barbed Bats can be improved even further by putting nails into it.

Weapon Mending

  • Selected Weapons can now be renewed, using either replacement handle or sharpening stones. Please be aware that the renewal is not possible on broken items (repair it a bit first!).

Metalwork Expansion

  • Added possibility to Scrap most metallic items in the world (except for the components below).
  • Added possibility to Forge basic metallic components from scrap. These are: Metal Sheets (Large and Small), Metal Bar, Metal Pipe, Nails, Wire and Barbed Wire.

More Foraging Options

  • Wild Nuts (Skill Req: 3) and Onions (Skill Req: 4)
  • Honeycombs (Skill Req: 5)
  • Birch Bark and Pine Cones (Skill Req: 0)
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