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Kitchen Sink Chemistry

DefbeatCZ edited this page Jan 23, 2020 · 7 revisions

Base Materials

These are the base resources most of the chemistry depends on

Pic Item Obtained By
Charcoal Powder Crushing Charcoal
Quicklime Reducing Limestone Chunks (Found by prospecting foraged Stones)
Wood Ash Burning Wood Bits
Wood Bits Sawing Wood Items


Using Distillation Equipment, Organic material can be processed to useful materials as follows

Input Output
Wood Wood Gas (Propane Replacement)
Wood Charcoal
Pine Cones Pine Tar
Mature Juice Moonshine


Putting together some burnable material, glue and bit of flame starter can make for a good Briquette. While not most environmentalist thing, they burn pretty good. Also note that Lighter Fluid yields 3 pieces when crafted and it is superior choice to using Gas .

Lighter Fluid

Making mixture of Gas , some Pine Tar and Charcoal Powder yields Lighter Fluid . It can be used to refill lighters or just for fires in general.

Potassium Salt

Clean Wood Ash can be dissolved in water. The resulting solution will dry into Potassium Salt which can be used as Vanilla Salt replacement.

Cleaning Liquid

Wood Ash can be used with Quicklime and Pine Tar to create substitute for Vanilla Cleaning Liquid .

Glue Mixture

Pine Tar and Quicklime mixed in water will result into Glue Mixture which can be used as a Wood Glue replacement.

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