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DefiFundr - A decentralized crowdfunding platform for the Ethereum blockchain

GitHub Workflow Status (with event) GitHub go.mod Go version (branch & subdirectory of monorepo) GitHub issues GitHub Repo stars

What is DefiFundr?

DefiFundr is a decentralized crowdfunding platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to create and contribute to crowdfunding campaigns, and allows campaign creators to set a funding goal and deadline. If the funding goal is met before the deadline, the campaign is successful and the funds are released to the campaign creator. If the funding goal is not met before the deadline, the campaign is unsuccessful and the funds are returned to the contributors.


git clone
cd deFICrowdFunding-Backend
go mod download


Using Makefile

make server

Using Go

go run main.go

Using Air (Hot Reload)



make test

Unit Tests

go test ./...


go test -v -cover ./...

API Documentation

Swagger View API Documentation

Database Documentation

DB Diagram

Smart Contract Address


API Endpoints

Endpoint Functionality HTTP method
/api/v1/campaigns Create a new campaign POST
/api/v1/campaigns Get all campaigns GET
/api/v1/campaigns/:id Get a campaign by id GET
/api/v1/campaigns/owner Get a campaign by owner GET
/api/v1/campaigns/donation/:id Get a campaign donors GET
/api/v1/campaigns/donate Donate to a campaign POST
/api/v1/campaigns/withdraw Withdraw from a campaign POST
/api/v1/campaigns/myDonations Get my donations GET
/api/v1/campaigns/categories Get all categories GET
/api/v1/campaigns/categories/:id Get campaigns by category GET
/api/v1/campaigns/search Search campaigns by name GET
/api/v1/campaignsTypes Get all campaign types GET
/api/v1/campaigns/latestCampaigns Get latest campaigns GET
/api/v1/user Get user details GET
/api/v1/user Update user details POST
/api/v1/userAddress Get user by address POST
/api/v1/user/avatar Set profile avatar GET
/api/v1/user/avatar/set Select avatar POST
/api/v1/user/biometrics Set biometrics POST
/api/v1/user/logout Logout user POST
/api/v1/user/password/change Change password POST
/api/v1/user/password Create password POST
/api/v1/user/password/reset Reset password POST
/api/v1/user/password/reset/verify Verify password reset code POST
/api/v1/user/verify Verify user POST
/api/v1/user/verify/resend Resend verification code POST
/api/v1/user/checkUsername Check if username exists POST
/api/v1/user/privatekey Get user private key POST
/api/v1/user/login Login user POST
/api/v1/user/renewAccess Renew access token POST
/api/v1/currentPrice Get current ETH price GET