libParser aims at providing parsers for common file formats, such as XML.
libParser depends on the following software components:
- pkg-config from the freedesktop software collection, as found in most software distributions already; otherwise at
- libSystem from the DeforaOS Project, as found at if not packaged for your system.
- configure from the DeforaOS Project, likewise found at
Before being able to build libParser, it is necessary to generate Makefiles
with configure(1)
. It should be enough to run this tool as follows:
$ configure
Please refer to the documentation of DeforaOS configure for further instructions.
It is then possible to build the project with make(1)
as usual. The following
command should therefore be enough:
$ make
To install libParser in a dedicated directory, like /path/to/libParser
$ make PREFIX="/path/to/libParser" install