At the beginning: put everything in one Git repository. I suggest this structure.
group1.yml <--- here we assign variables to particular groups
group2/ <--- if lot of variables you can split in yaml files (name of folder = name of group )
hostname1.yml <--- if a host need specific variables, put them here
If you struggle with a mono repository you can create one Git repository per role or use collections.
Make your playbooks and roles more readable.
Always - name:
yours Playbooks and Tasks
- name: "Create {{ springboot_app }} systemd service file"
src: "springboot_service.j2"
dest: "/lib/systemd/system/{{ }}.service"
notify: reload systemd service
with_items: "{{ springboot_app }}"
become: yes
(Bad) Here is an example of a task using the key=value
- name: install telegraf
name: "telegraf-{{ telegraf_version }}" state=present
update_cache=yes disable_gpg_check=yes enablerepo=telegraf
notify: restart telegraf
(Good) Now the same task using native YAML syntax
- name: install telegraf
name: "telegraf-{{ telegraf_version }}"
state: present
update_cache: yes
disable_gpg_check: yes
enablerepo: telegraf
notify: restart telegraf
Proper variable names can make plays more readable and avoid variable name conflicts between roles.
Use prefixes and human meaningful names with variables and Role variables should be prefixed with the role name
apache_max_keepalive: 25
apache_port: 80
tomcat_port: 8080
wildfly_mode: standalone
wildfly_home_path: "/usr/local/wildfly"
wildfly_conf_path: "{{ wildfly_home_path }}/{{ wildfly_mode }}/configuration"
- Define naming convention for your roles, vars , groups...
- Avoid indirections like includes or vars_files
- Check variable precendence ( for roles basically use default dir )
- Define a default value for each variable
You can use jinja2 builtin filters in tasks or additionals ansible filters
{{ item.domain|default('') }}
{{ variable | mandatory }}
mode: {{ item.mode|default(omit) }}
{{ myvar | ipv4 }} or {{ '' | ipaddr('address') }}
upper, lower, parse_cli, password_hash, regex_search, quote, join ...and more
Allow Ansible to access data from outside sources (password files, passwordstore, ini, csv, dns, redis,...)
Example for password generation
- name: admin
password: '{{ lookup("password", secret + "/wildfly/" + ansible_fqdn + "/management_users/admin length=20 " + "chars=ascii_letters,digits,-_.") }}'
List all facts for one host :
$ ansible -m setup hostname
One role --> one goal
Avoid tasks within a role that are not related to each others
Use galaxy command for create roles structure
$ ansible-galaxy init rolename
common/ # this hierarchy represents a "role"
tasks/ #
main.yml # <-- tasks file can include smaller files if warranted
handlers/ #
main.yml # <-- handlers file
templates/ # <-- files for use with the template resource
ntp.conf.j2 # <------- templates end in .j2
files/ #
bar.txt # <-- files for use with the copy resource # <-- script files for use with the script resource
vars/ #
main.yml # <-- variables associated with this role
defaults/ #
main.yml # <-- default lower priority variables for this role
meta/ #
main.yml # <-- role dependencies
Add meta info and use roles dependencies
author: Demis Rizzotto
description: Setup and configure Wildfly runtime
company: acme corp
license: BSD
min_ansible_version: 2.1
- wildfly
- { role: java-jdk, java_jdk_version: oracle-java8-jdk }
- { role: company-apt-repo }
- role: debops.secret
You can also use roles dependencies.
- use handlers
- use multiple files for tasks in roles
- Prefer templates than files
- Use {{ ansible_managed }} to mark auto-generated files as such, so nobody unknowingly edits them manually
Use modules before run/shell commands
If no module does what you want, you can create your own
if no choice use changed_when
- name: Run drush to finish setting it up
command: "{{ drush_path }}"
register: drush_result
changed_when: "'Execute a drush command' not in drush_result.stdout"
become: no
simulate yours playbooks execution (but with some limitations)--diff
showing differences in files
$ ansible-playbook foo.yml -i staging --check --diff --limit
automate development and testing of Ansible roles. It integrates with Docker, Vagrant, and OpenStack to run roles in a virtualized environment and works with popular infra testing tools like ServerSpec and TestInfra.
Search roles in Ansible galaxy Some editor have syntax higthlight and linters.
Personally I use VScode with plugins :
- language-Ansible
- YAML Support by Red Hat
checks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved
[ANSIBLE0013] Use shell only when shell functionality is required
Task/Handler: Check if infrastructuremanagers user exists
[ANSIBLE0011] All tasks should be named
Task/Handler: stat __file__=/ansible/roles/common/tasks/exim4.yml __line__=2 path=/etc/postfix/
is very useful for finding the syntax of a module without having to look it up online
ansible-doc mysql_user
Use verstion control (git)
(.gitignore : *.retry
and also for test syntax before merge code
Feature of ansible that allows keeping sensitive data such as passwords or keys in encrypted files.
$ ansible-vault create foo.yml
$ ansible-vault edit foo.yml
$ ansible-vault encrypt foo.yml bar.yml baz.yml # encrypt existing file
$ ansible-vault decrypt foo.yml bar.yml baz.yml # remove encrypt
$ ansible-vault view foo.yml bar.yml baz.yml
The file is complete encrypted in AES256
Use encrypt_string to create encrypted variables to embed in yaml
Example: Create encrypted variable
$ ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id prod@prod-password 'supersecret' --name 'password'
add in vars.yml
servername: server1
username: ""
password: !vault |
$ ansible-playbook --vault-id prod@prod-password debug.yml
TASK [print secure variable] > "msg": "prod_password : supersecret"
TASK [print standard variable] > "msg": "username :"
encrypt string available since Ansible 2.3. vault-id since 2.4 > you can't edit or decrypt file with vault cli for the moment
- Leverage dynamic inventory
- Use directoriers for
- Use tags only for limiting to tasks for speed reasons, as in "only update config files". (Limit with the option
--tags update-config
on playbook execution) - sudo (
) only where necessary - You can
execution of playbook to a host/s or a group/s - Debug with verbose mode
- Others powerful execution options for throubleshooting
- Execution options to show what will be done