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Update test-example.ps1
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AlisherAmonulloev committed Dec 22, 2024
1 parent e1c5601 commit 273a32c
Showing 1 changed file with 126 additions and 67 deletions.
193 changes: 126 additions & 67 deletions test-example.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,21 @@
$global:inputVersion = $env:branchName
$global:errorCode = 0
# For local testing, you can pass branchName and/or buildVersion.
# If both parameters are specified, only buildVersion will be used.
# Example usage:
# ./test-example.ps1 -branchName 23.1.3+
# ./test-example.ps1 -buildVersion 23.1.13
param (
[string]$branchName = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("BRANCH_NAME", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine),
[string]$buildVersion = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_VERSION", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

# Repository's branch name, e.g. 24.1.3+
$global:BRANCH_NAME = $branchName
# Masstest-specific parameter. Specifies the minor version (example: '21.1.5') !or daily build (example: '21.2.2005')
$global:BUILD_VERSION = $buildVersion

$global:ERROR_CODE = 0

$global:allVersions = @(
$global:ALL_VERSIONS = @(
"14.1", "14.2",
"15.1", "15.2",
"16.1", "16.2",
Expand All @@ -16,22 +30,53 @@ $global:allVersions = @(
"25.1", "25.2"

function Install-Packages {
param (
Write-Output "`nInstalling packages in folder: $folderName"

$packageList = $packages | ForEach-Object { "$_@$buildVersion" }
Write-Output "`nPackages to install: $($packageList -join ", ")"
# TODO: Uninstall DevExtreme packages to avoid potential peer-dependency issues
npm install @($packageList) --save --save-exact --no-fund
if (-not $?) {
Write-Error "`nERROR: Failed to install DevExtreme packages in $folderName"
throw "Installation failed in $folderName"

function Build-Project {
param (
Write-Output "`nBuilding the project in folder: $folderName"

npm run build
if (-not $?) {
Write-Error "`nERROR: Failed to build the project in $folderName"
throw "Build failed in $folderName"

function Process-JavaScriptProjects {
param (
Write-Output "`n--== Processing JavaScript Projects ==--"
Write-Output "`n--== Starting JavaScript Projects Processing ==--"

[hashtable[]]$folders = @(
@{ Name = "Angular"; Packages = @("devextreme-angular", "devextreme") },
@{ Name = "React"; Packages = @("devextreme-react", "devextreme") },
@{ Name = "Vue"; Packages = @("devextreme-vue", "devextreme") }
@{ Name = "Angular"; Packages = @("devextreme", "devextreme-angular") },
@{ Name = "React"; Packages = @("devextreme", "devextreme-react") },
@{ Name = "Vue"; Packages = @("devextreme", "devextreme-vue") }

$jQueryEntry = @{
Name = "jQuery";
Packages = if ([double]$buildVersion -ge 23.1) { # `devextreme-dist` appeared in 23.1
@("devextreme-dist", "devextreme")
Packages = if ([version]$buildVersion -ge [version]23.1) { # `devextreme-dist` appeared in 23.1
@("devextreme", "devextreme-dist")
} else {
Expand All @@ -40,118 +85,132 @@ function Process-JavaScriptProjects {
$folders = @($jQueryEntry) + $folders

foreach ($folder in $folders) {
if (-not (Test-Path $($folder.Name))) {
Write-Output "`nDirectory $($folder.Name) does not exist. Skipping..."
$folderName = $folder.Name
$packages = $folder.Packages

Write-Output "`n<-- Processing folder: $($folder.Name) -->"

Set-Location $($folder.Name)

$packages = $folder.Packages | ForEach-Object { "$_@$buildVersion" }

$packageList = $packages -join " "

Write-Output "`nInstalling DevExtreme packages"
npm install $packageList --save --save-exact --no-fund
if (-not $?) {
Write-Error "`nERROR: Failed to install DevExtreme packages: $($folder.Name)"
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 1
$global:errorCode = 1

Write-Output "`nInstalling the rest of the packages $($folder.Name)"
npm install --save --save-exact --no-fund --loglevel=error
if (-not $?) {
Write-Error "`nERROR: Failed to install packages: $($folder.Name)"
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 1
$global:errorCode = 1
if (-not (Test-Path $folderName)) {
Write-Output "`nDirectory $folderName does not exist. Skipping..."

Write-Output "`nBuilding the project with 'npm run build' $($folder.Name)"
npm run build
if (-not $?) {
Write-Error "`nERROR: Failed to build the project: $($folder.Name)"
Write-Output "`nProcessing folder: $folderName"
Push-Location $folderName

try {
Install-Packages -folderName $folderName -packages $packages -buildVersion $buildVersion
Write-Output "`nInstalling remaining packages in $folderName"
npm install --save --save-exact --no-fund --loglevel=error
if (-not $?) {
throw "ERROR: Failed to install remaining packages in $folderName"
Build-Project -folderName $folderName
} catch {
Write-Error "`nAn error occurred: $_"
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 1
$global:errorCode = 1
$global:ERROR_CODE = 1
} finally {

Set-Location ..

Write-Output "`n--== JavaScript Projects Processing Completed ==--"

function Process-DotNetProjects {
param (
[string]$RootDirectory = "."
Write-Output "`nProcessing .NET projects"

Write-Output "`n--== Starting .NET project processing in directory: $RootDirectory ==--"

$slnFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $RootDirectory -Filter *.sln -Recurse -Depth 1

if ($slnFiles.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Output "`nNo solution files (.sln) found in the specified directory at level 1."
Write-Output "`nNo solution files (.sln) found in the specified directory at level 1."

foreach ($slnFile in $slnFiles) {
Write-Output "`nFound solution file: $($slnFile.FullName)"

dotnet build $slnFile.FullName -c Release

if ($?) {
Write-Output "`nBuild succeeded for $($slnFile.FullName)."
} else {
Write-Error "`nBuild failed for $($slnFile.FullName)."
try {
Write-Output "`nBuilding solution: $($slnFile.FullName)"
dotnet build $slnFile.FullName -c Release

if ($?) {
Write-Output "`nBuild succeeded for $($slnFile.FullName)."
} else {
throw "Build failed for $($slnFile.FullName)."
} catch {
Write-Error "`nERROR: $_"
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 1
$global:errorCode = 1
$global:ERROR_CODE = 1

Write-Output "`nCompleted .NET project processing."

function Set-BuildVersion {
Write-Output "`n--== Starting Set-BuildVersion process. ==--"

Write-Output "BUILD_VERSION is already set: $BUILD_VERSION"


$inputMajorMinor = $global:inputVersion -replace "\.\d+\+$", ""
$inputMajorMinor = $global:BRANCH_NAME -replace "\.\d+\+$", ""
Write-Output "Extracted major.minor version from branch name: $inputMajorMinor"

$filteredList = $global:allVersions | Where-Object {
$filteredList = $global:ALL_VERSIONS | Where-Object {
($_ -replace "\." -as [double]) -ge ($inputMajorMinor -replace "\." -as [double])
Write-Output "Filtered versions list: $filteredList"

$currentValue = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($BUILD_VERSIONS_LIST, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

$currentList = if ($currentValue) {
$currentValue -split ";"
} else {
Write-Output "Current versions list: $currentList"

if ($currentList.Count -gt 1) {
$inputMajorMinor = $currentList[0]
$updatedList = $currentList[1..($currentList.Count - 1)]
} else {
Write-Output "`nThe list in the environment variable has only one item."
$inputMajorMinor = $currentList
$updatedList = ""
Write-Output "The list in the environment variable has only one item."
$inputMajorMinor = $currentList[0]
$updatedList = @()

$global:buildVersion = $inputMajorMinor
Write-Output "Input version: '$inputMajorMinor'"
$global:BUILD_VERSION = $inputMajorMinor
Write-Output "BUILD_VERSION set to: $global:BUILD_VERSION"

$newValue = $updatedList -join ";"

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($BUILD_VERSIONS_LIST, $newValue, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

Write-Output "`nEnvironment variable '$BUILD_VERSIONS_LIST' has been updated."
Write-Output "New List: $updatedList"
Write-Output "Environment variable '$BUILD_VERSIONS_LIST' updated."
Write-Output "New list: $updatedList"

Write-Output "`nBranch Name: $env:branchName"
function Write-BuildInfo {
$BRANCH_NAME = if ($global:BRANCH_NAME -ne $null) { $global:BRANCH_NAME } else { "(empty)" }
$BUILD_VERSION = if ($global:BUILD_VERSION -ne $null) { $global:BUILD_VERSION } else { "(empty)" }

Write-Output "`nBranch Name: $BRANCH_NAME"
Write-Output "Build Version: $BUILD_VERSION"

Process-JavaScriptProjects -buildVersion $global:buildVersion
Process-JavaScriptProjects -buildVersion $global:BUILD_VERSION

Write-Output "`nFinished testing. Error code: $global:errorCode"
Write-Output "`nFinished testing. Error code: $global:ERROR_CODE"


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