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🚀 Clean Architecture Express and TypeScript Boilerplate 2024

Build Test Code Quality Docker Image CI

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☢ Disclaimer

This boilerplate was built using another boilerplate as its foundation, as the decision was made to not start from scratch, but rather leverage an existing structure without a defined architecture. The choice to base the project on an available boilerplate helped accelerate the development process by adopting the most suitable elements to build a more robust architecture. For more information, you can check the base repository here.


Project anatomy

 └ prisma orm                       → Prisma schemas and migrations
 └ src                              → Application sources
    └ application                   → Application services layer
       └ dtos                       → Dtos (Users)
       └ use_cases                  → Application business rules
       └ interfaces                 → Interfaces or abstract class for use cases, datasources and respository implementation
    └ domain                        → Enterprise core business layer such as domain model objects (Aggregates, Entities, Value Objects)
       └ customErrors               → Custom class error to handle specific errors
    └ infrastructure                → Adapters and formatters for use cases and entities to external agency such as Database or the Web
       └ database                   → Prisma client
       └ repositories               → Implementation of domain repository interfaces
       └ datasources                → Implementation of domain datasources interfaces
    └ presentation                  → Frameworks, drivers and tools such as Database, the Web Framework, logger, swagger etc...
       └ express                    → Framework configuration files, middlewares, environment configuration, routes and controllers
    └ index.js                      → Main application entry point
 └ node_modules (generated)         → NPM dependencies
 └ test                             → Source folder for unit or integration tests

🌟 Introduction

Welcome to the Clean Architecture Boilerplate 2024 – a modern, scalable, and maintainable foundation for building backend services. Built on the principles of Clean Architecture, this boilerplate is designed to provide a clear separation of concerns, making it easy to scale and maintain your codebase over time. Leveraging TypeScript for type safety and Express.js for fast and flexible API development, this framework follows best practices to ensure high-quality code that is testable, adaptable, and easy to extend.

🔮 Motivation

This boilerplate is designed to:

  • ⚙️ Accelerate project setup with a clean and modular structure
  • 📏 Maintain high code consistency, readability, and scalability
  • 🚀 Enable rapid development by following best practices and patterns
  • 🔒 Promote robust security, comprehensive testing, and optimal performance

🚀 Features

  • 📁 Modular Structure: Organized by feature for easy navigation and scalability
  • ⚡ Faster Execution with tsx: Rapid TypeScript execution with tsx and type checking with tsc
  • 🌍 Stable Node Environment: Latest LTS Node version in .nvmrc
  • 🛠️ Simplified Environment Variables: Managed with Envalid for easier configuration
  • 🔗 Path Aliases: Cleaner code with shortcut imports for improved maintainability
  • 🔄 Renovate Integration: Automatic updates for dependencies to keep your project up-to-date
  • 🔒 Security: Helmet for HTTP header security and CORS setup to protect your application
  • 📊 Logging: Efficient logging with pino-http for better observability
  • 🧪 Comprehensive Testing: Setup with Vitest and Supertest for reliable testing coverage
  • 🛡️ Code Quality Assurance: Husky and lint-staged for consistent quality and pre-commit hooks 💅 Running the linter over the files that have been changed 💬 Use conventional commits to ensure our commits have a convention. ✅ Run the tests automatically. ⚙️ Check our project does not have type errors with Typescript. 🙊 Check typos to ensure we don't have grammar mistakes.
  • 🎯 Unified Code Style: ESLint and Prettier for consistent coding standards across the project
  • 📑 API Response Standardization: ServiceResponse class for consistent API responses
  • 🔧 Prisma Integration: Prisma simplifies database interactions with a type-safe ORM, enabling efficient querying, migrations, and schema management.
  • 🐳 Docker Support: Ready for containerization and deployment with Docker
  • 💦 The docker-compose.yml file is configured to set up both Postgres and pgAdmin containers, making it easy to run a full database stack with minimal setup.
  • 📝 Input Validation with Zod: Strongly typed request validation using Zod
  • 📖 Swagger UI: Interactive API documentation generated from Zod schemas for easy exploration

🛠️ Getting Started

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: 🚀 Initial Setup

  • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Navigate: cd clean-architecture-express-boilerplate
  • Install dependencies: npm ci

Step 2: ⚙️ Environment Configuration

  • Create .env: Copy .env.template to .env
  • Update .env: Fill in necessary environment variables

Step 3: 🏃‍♂️ Running the Project

  • Development Mode: npm run dev
  • Building: npm run build
  • Production Mode: Set .env to NODE_ENV="production" then npm run build && npm run start

🤝 Feedback and Contributions

We'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions for further improvements. Feel free to contribute and join us in making backend development cleaner and faster!

🎉 Happy coding!