This Ansible role installs and configures Glowroot (Official website:
- None
Default credentials; admin / admin
- hosts: servers
- ansible-role-glowroot
glowroot_bind_address: ''
glowroot_port: 4000
glowroot_bind_address: ''
glowroot_context_path: '/'
glowroot_owner: 'root'
glowroot_group: 'glowroot'
- 'my_app_account'
glowroot_ldap_host: ''
glowroot_ldap_port: 636
glowroot_ldap_ssl: true
glowroot_ldap_username: 'ldapviewer'
glowroot_ldap_password: '005PQPXB31t5QEc+UZNRkw:Kzs7v+nDPl4bwkOWCFRrDw:500000'
glowroot_user_base_dn: 'ou=User,dc=company,dc=eu'
glowroot_user_search_filter: '(uid={0})'
glowroot_group_base_dn: 'ou=Groups,dc=company,dc=eu'
glowroot_group_search_filter: 'member={0}'
You will have to set the password into the webui in order to retrieve the hash in the file admin.json
Response time and JVM gauge data respectively 1 minute, 5 minutes, 30 mintes and 4 hours aggregates:
glowroot_rtjg_1m: 72
glowroot_rtjg_5m: 336
glowroot_rtjg_30m: 2160
glowroot_rtjg_4h: 2160
glowroot_trace_data: 336
glowroot_full_query_text: 336
Query, service call and profile data respectively 1 minute, 5 minutes, 30 mintes and 4 hours aggregates:
glowroot_qscp_1m: 500
glowroot_qscp_5m: 500
glowroot_qscp_30m: 500
glowroot_qscp_4h: 500
glowroot_trace_detail_data: 500
This role was created in 2018 by Olivier Locard on the behalf of Deveryware.