BUY-IT-NOW store is requiring a website to sell their products. List of products sold by BUY-IT-NOW: TV = $500 Radio = $80 Microwave = $150 ChromeCast = $70
There is an initial mockup of BUY-IT-NOW web store, so please complete the below requirements. Feel free to add Styles, or update the HTML code. The final product should contain three areas: "ADD PRODUCTS" form "YOUR SHOPPING CART" list "YOUR PURCHASES" list.
- Create an small form above of "YOUR SHOPPING CART" list.
- The form will let users to add new items into the shopping cart.
- The form should contain a dropdown with offered prodcuts by BUT-IT-NOW.
- The form should contain a text field that only allow numbers for the Quantity.
- The form should contain a text field that display the Price (read only).
- Add a SUBMIT action to Add Items into "YOUR SHOPPING CART" list (Use validations).
- If user tries to add a product that is already in "YOUR SHOPPING CART" table then this should be updated.
- The new items added should be automatically displayed in "YOUR SHOPPING CART" list, and form cleanned.
- Add headers to the columns in "YOUR SHOPPING CART" table (Product, Quantity, Price, Total).
- Create a service that will be used for CART TOTAL calculation, and display the CART TOTAL in the last row of "YOUR SHOPPING CART" table.
- Create a SUBMIT action to place the order.
- The ubmitted items should be stored in browser's localStorage.
- Create a directtive/component to display in a list the submitted orders (READ ONLY view).
- The submitted orders should only displays: date of submission, Total of purchase, brief summary of purchased items.