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Road Severity Accident Prediction Using Random Forest Classifier!


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Road Severity Accident Prediction Using Random Forest Classifier!

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Problem Statement

The task is to classify this variable based on the other 31 features step-by-step by going through each day's task.

  • The target feature is Accident_severity which is a multi-class variable.
  • The metric for evaluation will be f1-score

Dataset Used

Source of the dataset: Click Here

  • The data set is collected from Addis Ababa Sub-city police departments for master's research work.
  • The data set has been prepared from manual records of road traffic accidents of the year 2017-20.
  • All the sensitive information has beenexcluded during data encoding and finally it has 32 features and 12316 instances of the accident.
  • Then it is preprocessed for identification of major causes of the accident by analyzing it using different machine learning classification algorithms.

Dataset Info

The following are metadata regarding the dataset:

  • Time : Time of the accident (in 24 hours format) |
  • Day_of_week : Day of the week when the accident occurred
  • Age_band_of_driver :The age group of the driver
  • Sex_of_driver : Gender of driver
  • Educational_level : Driver’s highest education level
  • Vehical_driver_relation : What’s the relation of a driver with the vehicle
  • Driving_experience : Number of years of driving experience the driver has
  • Type_of_vehicle : What’s the type of vehicle
  • Owner_of_vehicle : Who’s the owner of the vehicle
  • Service_year_of_vehicle : The last service year of the vehicle
  • Defect_of_vehicle : Is there any defect on the vehicle or not?
  • Area_accident_occured : Locality of an accident site
  • Lanes_or_Medians : Are there any lanes or medians at the accident site?
  • Road_allignment : Road alignment with the terrain of the land
  • Types_of_junction : Type of junction at the accident site
  • Road_surface_type : A surface type of road
  • Road_surface_conditions : What was the condition of the road surface?
  • Light_conditions : Lighting conditions at the site
  • Weather_conditions : Weather conditions
  • Type_of_collision : What is the type of collision
  • Number_of_vehicles_involved : Total number of vehicles involved in an accident
  • Number_of_casualties : Total number of casualties
  • Vehicle_movement : How the vehicle was moving before the accident occurred
  • Casualty_class : A person who got killed during an accident
  • Sex_of_casualty : What the gender of a person who got killed
  • Age_band_of_casualty : Age group of casualty
  • Casualty_severtiy : How severely the casualty was injured
  • Work_of_casualty : What was the work of the casualty
  • Fitness_of_casualty : Fitness level of casualty
  • Pedestrain_movement : Was there any pedestrian movement on the road?
  • Cause_of_accident : What was the cause of an accident?
  • Accident_severity : How severe an accident was? (Target variable)

Steps Involved

All steps involved - Can be found in notebook too!


  • Importing the Dataset
  • Check Metadata of the Dataset
  • Find Number of Missing Values Present in Each Column
  • Target Variable Classes Distribution & Visualization
  • Check Education Levels of Drivers
  • Auto Data Visualization Using the Dabl Library
  • Check for Association Between Road Surface Type and Accident Severity

Data Preprocessing & Feature Engineering

  • Converting the “Time” Column
  • Feature Selection General
  • Missing Value Treatment
  • One-Hot Encoding Using get_dummies()
  • Target Encoding using LabelEncoder()
  • Feature Selection Using Chi2 Statistic
  • Imbalanced Dataset Treatment Using SMOTENC Technique

Model Building, Evalaution & Saving

  • Building a Random Forest Classification Model
  • Evaluation: Classification Report & F1 Score
  • Saving the Model & Encoder Object using joblib


  • Loading Model & Encoder
  • Preparing Streamlit Project Requirements
    • requirements.txt
    • github repo
  • Creating file which includes:
    • Initialising & Importing
    • User Input & Model Prediction
    • Webpage Aesthetics
  • Deploying on Streamlit Community Cloud


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Road Severity Accident Prediction Using Random Forest Classifier!







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