This bundle consists of 4 distinct pieces of software, NelmioApiDoc, Standard implementation of SF2 Security component, YAML based routing and SF2 Dependency Injection Container. You can install it with composer
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"devolicious/silex-turbo-api-bundle": "~0.2",
or you can just install it from the zip into vendor/devolicious/silex-turbo-api-bundle/Devolicious/SilexTurboApiBundle/
To configure the bundle, there are some required params:
specifies the root directory op your appdir.config
specifies where your configurations files are located. This is necessary for the mainrouting.yml
specifies where you will store you cache. The DIC will create a cache file there.
and some optional params:
(boolean) to enable or disable the firewallapi.prefix
specifies the prefix of the firewall that will secure the
specifies the name for the api documentationapi.extensions
(array) can be used to pass DIC extensions to the compiler
You can configure it in the normal silex way or you can use the ConfigServiceProvider for a yaml implementation. An example of a config.yml below.
dir.root: %kernel.root_dir%
dir.config: %kernel.app_dir%/config
dir.cache: %kernel.app_dir%/cache true
api.prefix: /api 'Authentication API documentation'
- \Foo\Bar\DependencyInjection\FooBarExtension
This system is provided with a ported version of the Nelmio ApiDoc system. This will make it easy to document api calls. To access it, you need to implement the following into the main routing.yml file:
resource: ../../vendor/devolicious/silex-turbo-api-bundle/Devolicious/SilexTurboApiBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
prefix: /api/doc
_method: GET
To write documentation, you have to make use of annotations. This is an example of such an annotation you can put above the method you want to document:
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\ApiDoc;
* Long description of your method
* @ApiDoc(
* description="small description",
* statusCodes={
* 200="Returned when successful",
* 400="Returned when the data provided is invalid",
* 500="Returned when something went wrong, please contact our technical staff"
* },
* input={
* {"name"="Foo", "dataType"="string", "required"=true},
* },
* output={
* {"name"="Bar", "dataType"="json"}
* }
* )
public function getSomething($x)
In the first part, where you can type free comment, you can use markdown
For more info on the NelmioApiDoc you should checkout the original.
In this little system you can work with the Symfony2 DIC component. For more information on sf2 service container
The system is also loaded with doctrine. For more information on Doctrine2
For routing we use the routing component from symfony2. You can configure routes in app/config/routing.yml
. You can also extend this file to specific bundle routing files.
The firewall is setup to block everything behind /api
(standard if not configured) except for /api/doc*
. This means that you always must provide the system with a user and an hashkey.
For routing you best use /api/{username}/{key}/rest/of/routing
style to provide these necessary parameters.
To create a hash key, you can use the container to fetch the instance of the ApiEncoder
like this:
$hash = $container->get('')->hash($username, $apikey);
or you can call a new instance like this:
use Devolicious\SilexTurboApiBundle\Security\Encoder\ApiEncoder;
some code ...
$encoder = new ApiEncoder();
$hash = $encoder->hash($username, $apikey);
Via the Secure
annotation you can do the following:
use Devolicious\SilexTurboApiBundle\Annotation\Secure;
* @Secure(roles="ROLE_USER")
public function secureThisMethod()
#some code
This will allow you to secure specific methods to specific priveleges. You will need to define the role hierarchy like you would with the normal Silex Security flow. If your user from the db has the correct priveleges, access will be granted.