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Kubernetes PowerShell Drive (aka K8sPSDrive)

This repository plays around the idea of exposing Kubernetes cluster as a PowerShell PSDrive.

This is binary PowerShell module, which means it is written in C#. This is purely experimental and a pet project of mine to learn C# and Kubernetes together.

Tested on PowerShell Core and built on .NET Core 3.1



Clone this repository

git clone


Run the build script in the root of the project to install dependent modules and start the build.ps1 specifying bootstrap mode. This will restore the dotnet cake tool along with installing required PowerShell modules.

./build.ps1 -BootStrapOnly

To just run the build, execute


If you encounter (Permission denied) issues with above use dotnet cake tool in your shell (bash/zsh)

# or run dotnet cake from the repository root
dotnet cake ./build.cake --target="Build"

Once the module is built the artifacts are placed under ci/artifacts folder. In the PowerShell console open the repository root and run below commands.

Note - Mapping a K8sPSDrive uses the default KubeConfig at ~/.kube/config , so if that is not set it will throw an error

Import-Module -Name  ./ci/artifacts/K8sPSDrive.psd1 -Verbose
New-PSDrive -Name K8sPSDrive -PSProvider SHiPS -Root K8sPSDrive#K8sPSDrive.Root

If the drive is mapped, you can set the location using the name K8sPSDrive specified earlier.

Set-Location -Path K8sPSDrive:/

Once inside the PSDrive you can list the childrens.

PS K8sPSDrive:\> Get-ChildItem

    Directory: K8sPSDrive:

Mode  Name
----  ----
+     namespaces
+     nodes

Now, one can change directory and move down the path under namespaces

cd .\namespaces\

Under namespaces folder list all the namespaces

PS K8sPSDrive:\namespaces> ls

    Directory: K8sPSDrive:\namespaces

Mode NAME            STATUS AgeInDays
---- ----            ------ ---------
+    default         Active 16
+    kube-node-lease Active 16
+    kube-public     Active 16
+    kube-system     Active 16

Go inside a namespace and you'll see namspaced objects e.g. Deployments and Pods currently and list them.

cd ./kubec-system/pods; ls
PS K8sPSDrive:\namespaces> cd .\kube-system\pods\

PS K8sPSDrive:\namespaces\kube-system\pods> ls

    Directory: K8sPSDrive:\namespaces\kube-system\pods

Mode NAME                                   Ready Status  Restarts AgeInDays
---- ----                                   ----- ------  -------- ---------
.    coredns-f9fd979d6-qkrgm                1/1   Running 0        16
.    coredns-f9fd979d6-wl27c                1/1   Running 0        16
.    etcd-docker-desktop                    1/1   Running 0        0
.    kube-apiserver-docker-desktop          1/1   Running 0        0
.    kube-controller-manager-docker-desktop 1/1   Running 0        0
.    kube-proxy-2lwq6                       1/1   Running 0        16
.    kube-scheduler-docker-desktop          1/1   Running 0        0
.    storage-provisioner                    1/1   Running 0        16
.    vpnkit-controller                      1/1   Running 0        16


Visualization of the codebase


Kubernetes PSDrive implementation using SHiPS.








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