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Tags: DexterPOSH/PSRemotely



v1.0.3 release

* Fixes #55  Start-RemotelyJobPorcessing logic

- Fixes use of alias within the code
- Fixes indentation

* Fixes #48 naming convention for tests file and the NUnit XMl result file

- based on the nodename the above files are named.

* Adds unit test for Start-RemotelyJobProcessing function logic

- Fixes Write-VerboseLog to handle Pester mocks
- Fixes Start-RemotelyJobProcessing to stop when ProcessRemotely* function fail in pipeline

* Fixes PSRemotely.json of the empty element in ModulesRequired

* Adds Enter-PSRemotely function and Integration tests for it

* Adds integration tests for issue #48

- naminv convention for tests & results file

* Refactors config data tests

* Adds another fix for #48

- the tests file dumped should also use nodename

* Add -PassThru switch to Enter-PSRemotely

* Fixes typo in the Debug.Integration.Tests

* Fixes another set of typos in Debug.Integration.Tests

* Adds check for invalid filename chars #56

* Adds check for invalid filename chars to Invoke-PSRemotely & bootstrap.ps1 #56

* Fixes integration tests for #48 & #56

* Removes the empty element in the modulesrequired @ PSRemotely.json

* Fixes the naming logic for the Nunit XML file

* Fixes typo in the Debug.Integration.Tests

- replaces the localhost with Node1 in nodename

* Adds unit and integration tests for issue #27

- issue with parsing describe blocks

* Refactor the integration tests for issue #27

* Adds code logic for issue #27

* Adds quick refactor to the integration test for issue #27

* Fixes typo

* Swaps $Env:BHPSModulePath with $ENV:BHModulePath

* Fixes Invoke-Pester call in the remote Invoke-PSRemotely function

* Swaps BHPSModulePath with BHModulePath in psremotely.psdeploy file

* Adds logo #58

* Initial draft of the #57

* Removing PITCHME.MD

* Adds back

* Adds pitchme badge to README

* Fixes typo in doc & adds content to PITCHME

* Fixes for presentation at PSBUG

* Updates doc

- now references new Enter-PSRemotely function

* Fixes typos in Integration tests

* Fixes for the integration tests failing

- Not enough storage for IPv6Address.Integration.Tests
- Typos in the ConfigData.Integration.Tests

* Adds enable-rdp to Appveyor

* Block RDP in appveyor.yml

* Block Appveyor VM on build finish

* Fixes possible race condition issue with IPv6 integration tests


Add PreferNodeProperty support with docs (#50)

* Add support for PreferNodeProperty

* Fix passing PreferNodeProperty to CreateSessions

* Add TODO comment

* [WIP] Add Integration test for PreferNodeProperty

* More fixes to the PreferNodeProperty Integration Tests

* Add integration test for IPv6 address as Node name

* Rename the Localhost.IPv6Address.PSRemotely.ps1

* Add integration tests for IPv4 address as node name

* Fix typos in the Integration tests

* Add IPv4 address usage doc

* Add doc for IPv6 address usage as node names

* Add PreferNodeProperty doc

* Call Remove-PSsession after each test

* Fix doc typo


Fix test assertions for Pester v4


Develop (#43)

* Use buildhelpers in the unit tests

* Add unit test for ASTFunctions

* Add some of the bootstrap function tests

* Add more unit tests for the bootstrap functions

* Fix ScriptAnazlyer warnings

* Fix passing named parameters to Remove-PSSession

* Add ConfigurationData tests

* Add few unit tests for PSRemotely

* Add unit test template for Node.ps1

* Move PSSession creation above InModuleScope block

* Feature unittest (#36)

consolidated merge of the unit test branch

* Add PSDeafult param for New-PSSession

- set the EnableNetworkAccess switch on by default for the cmdlet

* Add -enabletnetworkaccess switch explicitly

- Unit tests failing on Appveyor, adding switch

* Move PSSession inside InModuleScope and Describe block

* Remove the PSSession creation

* Add RDP to worker in appveyor.yml

* Fixing the integration tests breaking

- build.ps1 - remove ps default parameter setting, no effect
- PSRemotely.json - remove required artifacts
- PSRemotely.psm1 - set ps default parameter
- Basic and ConfigData tests - Typo in the assertion

* Replace psake with InvokeBuild

- few more minor fixes

* Update the .psd1

- minor fix to the InvokeBuild.ps1

* Remove RDP to worker from appveyor.yml

* Add few fixes to the quick start doc

* Add fix docs badge link

* Remove exit with psake build success

- where alias replaced

* Add Contributing guideline

- copied from PSDeploy's
- !Deploy to Gallery

* Add check to the psdeploy file for the NugetAPIKey

- Revert the scope for AllNodes to be global

* replace write-error with throw in the InvokeBuild

- restart winrm service in once in one of the integration test

* Add clean up after unit tests complete