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Distributed Object-Store Numpy Array (DosNa)

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DosNa is intended to be a python wrapper to distribute N-dimensional arrays over an Object Store server. The main goal of DosNa is to provide easy and friendly seamless interface to store and manage N-Dimensional datasets over a remote Cloud.

It is designed to be modular by defining a Connection -> Dataset -> DataChunk architecture, and supports multiple Backends and Engines that extend the base abstract model to add different functionality. Each Backend represents a different Object Store type and wraps DosNa to connect and interact with such Object Store. Engines, on the other hand, add different local (or remote) multi-threading and multi-process support. Engines act as clients to the selected Backend and parallelize (or enhance) some of the functions to access the remote data.

For example, the Ceph backend works by directly wrapping Cluster and Pool/IOCtx API's from Librados and extending two new classes, Dataset and DataChunk that wrap and extend the behavior of a Librados Object (that are only accessible through looping the Pool).

DosNa is based on the Librados architecture library and tries to mimic its model of an Object Store, thus dosna.Cluster and dosna.Pool are connection objects to the remote Object Store service and the Pools (or streams) within it.

A dosna.Dataset will automagically distribute a N-dimensional dataset across the cluster by partitioning the whole data in smaller chunks and store them in a completely distributed fashion as dosna.DataChunks. After a chunk_size is specified, data loaded to a dosna.Dataset will be split in to chunks of size chunk_size and will create different remote objects as dosna.DataChunk, each of them corresponding to a different chunk from the original data. These dosna.DataChunk objects are distributed along the Object Store, making dosna.Dataset a wrapper (acting as a lookup table) to distribute N-dimensional datasets into many N-dimensional smaller chunks.

An existing dosna.Dataset can be used as an h5py.Dataset object or a Numpy Array. This is, a dataset object supports standard slicing ds[:, :, :] (getter) and ds[:, :, :] = 5 (setter) and the dosna.Dataset object will take care behind the scenes to access all the dosna.DataChunk needed to reconstruct the desired slices and retrieve or update them accordingly.


There are no requirements other than NumPy to install and use DosNa with the default Backend and Engine. However, specific backend and engines require different dependencies listed as follows:


Installing from sources

  • Clone repository:
git clone
  • Install it:
cd DosNa && python install

or alternatively, install it in development mode:

cd DosNa && python develop

Installing from PyPi

Pip could be used to install the last release

  • Use pip:
pip install DosNa

or alternatively, install it with an extra feature (mpi, ceph, jl or hdf5) e.g:

pip install DosNa[mpi]


A configuration file may be required for a specific backend, in that case, the file path is passed as a connection parameter.


Configure connection to a Ceph cluster (for using with Ceph backend):

  • Create a ceph.conf file with the IP or HOST addresses of the CEPH entry and cluster nodes (see ceph.sample.conf as an example)


When sage backend is used, a configuration file will be required, see sage.sample.conf as an example.


This backend will use the user aws credentials (located in ~/.aws/credentials), please make sure you have configured aws credentials before using the s3 backend.

Basic Usage

Create a Pool object and a dataset. In the example bellow a dataset of size (100, 100, 100) is created and

import dosna as dn
import numpy as np

data = np.random.randn(100, 100, 100)

con = dn.Connection('dosna-tutorial')
ds = con.create_dataset('data', data=data, chunk_size=(32,32,32))

print(ds[0, 0, :10])
# [ 0.38475526 -1.02690848  0.88673305 -0.12398208  1.49337365 -1.91976844
#   1.76940625  0.58314611  0.41391879 -0.34711908]
assert np.allclose(ds[...], data) # True


The same example can also be run with context managers, for a more safe access to the clusters and pools without forgetting to close corresponding objects:

data = np.random.randn(100, 100, 100)

with dn.connection('dosna_tutorial') as con:
    ds = con['data'] # Similarly, retrieve an existing dataset
    print(ds[0, 0, :10])
    # [ 0.38475526 -1.02690848  0.88673305 -0.12398208  1.49337365 -1.91976844
    #   1.76940625  0.58314611  0.41391879 -0.34711908]
    ds[36:80, 89:, :56] = data[36:80, 89:, :56]
    assert np.allclose(ds[36:80, 89:, :56], data[36:80, 89:, :56])

Note that the example above assumes that the pool dosna_tutorial already exists. Pool objects are not expected to be created carelessly, instead, a single (or few) pools are expected to exist within an Object Store, and although DosNa could create/remove them, its intended usage is to make use of existing pools.

Selecting Backend and Engines

Selecting backend is very trivial and can be done at any point. However, the backend wont change for already created Cluster instances. New Cluster instances have to be created in order to see the change:

dn.use(backend='hdf5') # One of ['ram', 'hdf5', 'ceph', 'sage']

Similarly, engines can be selected as:

dn.use(engine='mpi') # One of ['cpu', 'joblib', 'mpi']

However, a Backend and Engine is not expected to change dynamically during the execution of an script, and thus, although DosNa can handle does changes, its expected usage is to define the Engine and Backend manually after the import at the top of the script:

import dosna as dn
dn.use(backend='hdf5', engine='mpi')

# Rest of the script


There are currently 2 test backends (ram and hdf5) and 3 backend wrapping a real object store (ceph, sage and s3).


The ram (default) backend simulates an on-memory Object Store by defining the Connection as a standard python dictionary. Similarly, a Dataset use a dictionary working as lookup table for all the existing chunks, with additional attributes such as the dataset shape, the dataset data type and the size of the chunks. DataChunks are then on-memory numpy arrays.

This backend is the quickest one and very useful to test different functionality of DosNa. It is important to note that when used with MPI Engine it will have an unpredictable weird behavior, as each process will have its own copy of the data on memory. It will work with Joblib Engine though, as long as the multithreading option is selected.

Connection parameters:
Connection(name, directory='.')

  • name (string): The name that identifies the connection.


Simulates an on-disk Object Store by defining the Connection and Dataset as an on-disk folder tree. DataChunks are then automatically created HDF5 datasets inside the Dataset folder, containing a /data dataset inside them with the actual data.

This backend is useful for testing multi-processing Engines (Joblib with multiprocessing and MPI) as the on-disk storage makes easy to distribute h5py.Dataset instances over the processes without corrupting the underlying data.

Although it is a test backend, it is probably very efficient and could replace standard h5py in extremely parallel scenarios, as DataChunks are separate HDF5 files and thus, it would allow for complete parallelization (both read and write) as long as no 2 processes access the same DataChunk simultaneously.

Connection parameters:
Connection(name, directory='.')

  • name (string): The directory name used to hold the HDF5 datasets, the directory should exist.
  • directory (string): The path where the name will be searched. The current directory is used by default.


Ceph backend connects to a Ceph Cluster. Connection object act as a connection to the cluster and a pool within it. Creation or deletion of pools happens directly in the Object Store and similarly, a pool can create, retrieve or remove Datasets, represented as Ceph Objects with metadata and lookup information for the DataChunks that contain the appropiate data. DataChunks are another type of Ceph Objects that contain the numerical data in binarized numpy arrays format.

Connection parameters:
Connection(name, conffile='ceph.conf', timeout=5, client_id=None)

  • name (string): The ceph pool name, used for storing the dataset objects, the pool should exist.
  • conffile (string): The ceph configuration file path. Defaults to 'ceph.conf' in current directory.
  • timeout (int): The connection timeout. (Default: 5 seconds)
  • client_id: The ceph client id, e.g: client.user. (Default: None)


Sage backend connects to a Sage Cluster. This backend depends on a cython module called PyClovis. If it's not available, please compile it by running make in dosna/support/pyclovis. This will work only if the mero libraries are installed.

A dataset is mapped to a set of mero objects in which the object id is divided in two parts, the most significant 64 bits represents the dataset id and the least significant 64 bits represents the chunk id.

Connection parameters:
Connection(name, conffile='sage.conf')

  • name (string): The name that identifies the connection.
  • conffile (string): The sage configuration file path. Defaults to 'sage.conf' in current directory.
  • prefix_conffile (boolean): This allows having a configuration file prefixed by the hostname and the rank (or prefixed by only the rank), . is used as the separator, e.g: host.0.sage.conf or 0.sage.conf. Defaults to False.


S3 backend connects to an object storage using the S3 interfaces. Datasets are mapped to buckets which will contain each chunk as a different object.

Connection parameters:

  • name (string): The name that identifies the connection.
  • endpoint_url (string): S3 endpoint url. Defaults to None.
  • verify (boolean/string): Path to CA cert bundle that will be used to verify SSL certificates. Set to False if this validation is not required.
  • profile_name: Profile name for the entry in credentials that will be used. Default value: 'default'.


There are 3 different backends: cpu, joblib and mpi.


Although the name might be a bit misleading, it refers to a single process single thread instance. This is, a sequential program with no parallelization at all. It is the default engine as it is the easiest to test and maintain and will act as a simple wrapper along the selected Backend.

Jl (Joblib)

Will act as a local multi-threading or multi-processing backend. It accepts njobs and jlbackend parameters, the first one indicating the number of threads or processes to use while the second one indicating whether to use multi-threading or multi-processing (values for jlbackend are threading or multiprocessing).

This engine will act as the CPU backend for most of the functionallity, but incorporates additional parallelization when 1) slicing and 2) mapping/applying functions to all the chunks.

This is, when slicing a dataset ds[10:50, 10:50, 10:50], the Dataset instance will first calculate all the DataChunks involved in such slicing, and then using joblib each thread/process will gather/update the data from different DataChunks (acting as a map-reduce operator).

Similarly, a Dataset contains and ds.apply functions that map (return a modified copy) or apply (in-place) a function to every chunk in the dataset. This function will be parallelized by each thread/process taking care of applying the function to a different chunk.

Last, a whole numpy or h5py array can be loaded into an object store, by populating the corresponding DataChunks by doing ds.load(data), this function will also be parallelized by spawning threads or processes that update different chunks.


The MPI backend is designed to work fully in parallel by using multiple processes. Different from Joblib, processes are not spawned when functions are called, instead, multiple processes exist from the start of the script and each of them contains a copy of the Cluster object. From there, MPI backend adds wrappers to most of the creation/deletion functions so that only the lead process (or root process, commonly the one with rank 0) creates or deletes the resource while the others wait for it. The engine also adds appropriate barriers when needed so that every process contains the same state of the remote Object Store. Last, the MPI Engine does not add parallelization over the slicing operation, as it is assumed that the script will be programmed so that different processes access different slices of the dataset. To that end, Connection and Dataset objects contain mpi_size, mpi_rank and mpi_is_root attributes when used with the MPI engine.

Similar to joblib, it also extends dataset.load, and dataset.apply so that automatically each of the process takes care of different chunk.

Creating a new Backend

Backends extend the BaseCluster, BaseDataset and BaseDataChunk templates present at dosna.base class to add functionality regarding the connection and creation of the respective objects in the new Object Store.

The methods that have to be rewritten are:

  • Connection
    • connect and disconnect
    • create_dataset, get_dataset, has_dataset and del_dataset
  • Dataset
    • create_chunk, get_chunk, has_chunk and del_chunk.
  • DataChunk
    • get_data, set_data

For quick examples of how to create a new backend have a look at dosna.backends.ram or dosna.backends.hdf5.

Creating a new Engine

Engines are sightly more complicated, as they don't directly extend the dosna.base templates, but extend dosna.base.Wrapper class, which creates wrapper objects around the currently selected Backend.

The Engine objects, as they act as wrappers, have to override all the create/delete/get operations to return also the corresponding wrapped object instead of the native Backend object. This is, engine.Cluster wraps backend.Cluster, but has to redefine create_pool so that engine.Pool is returned instead of backend.Pool when create_pool is called (see dosna.backends.cpu for a quick example).

The list of methods modified to properly wrap a Backend are:

  • Connection
    • create_dataset, get_dataset, has_dataset and del_dataset
  • Dataset
    • create_chunk, get_chunk, has_chunk and del_chunk.
    • clone to clone a dataset (only its structure/chunk layout or also the underlying chunks)

The list of methods that can be extended to add functionality are:

  • Dataset:
    • get_data, set_data to override slicing operations
    • load to load and distribute a whole dataset along DataChunks
    • map to map a function to all the chunks independently and return a modified copy of the dataset.
    • apply to apply a function to all the chunks in-place

Running tests

Unit Tests

For checking the general library functionality run tests as follows:


For checking specific backends or engines run add appropriate parameters:

sh --backend <backend> --engine <engine>

Other parameters are available to setup backends, engines and pools appropriately (check sh --help for more info).

It is important to note that:

  • ram backend doesn't work properly with Joblib and MPI engines.
  • hdf5 backend requires to provide an existing folder as --connection parameter.
  • ceph backend requires a pool name passed as --connection and a configuration file passed as --connection-options conffile=....

And last, to run tests with mpi the script has to be called as:

mpiexec -n <nproc> sh

where <nproc> is an integer indicating the number of MPI cores to spawn.

Quick backend testing

There are few examples for testing individual or multiple backends and engines in the examples folder. Can be run as an standard python program, or through sh <nproc> <script>, where script is the path to the script to be run, if the MPI engine is going to be used.

Convolution test

A test of computing 3D Gaussian Convolutions over an 3D dataset is available at examples/ This script will create datasets of different sizes with different chunk sizes and perform a 3D convolution over the chunks, as well as performing three separable 1D convolutions (with the same results). Timings for all convolutions for different data size and data chunks will be stored on an output HDF5 file.

The script can be used to analyze the impact of chunk sizes and dataset sizes on different backends and engines.

To use the script:

python examples/ ... --out=<outdir>

To run it with the MPI engine:

sh <nproc> examples/ ... --out=<outdir>

For further parameters specifying the engine, backend or other parameters as data sizes or chunk sizes to be tested call it with --help.

The resulting HDF5 file with timings and couple of images for visual verification will be stored in <outdir>.