This repo contains an example of the use of Node.js, MongoDB, Vue.js and Vuestic. Auths come from Passport.js using a token. There's some other cool stuffs, and some ugly ones.
git clone
cd node-mongo-vue-vuestic-dashboard-template
To compile backend:
cd src/backend
npm run dev
backend will be served in: http://localhost:8081/
To compile frontend:
cd src/frontend
npm run dev
frontend will be served in http://localhost:8080/
At first a user will be created as: e-mail: [email protected] password: asd
There's an exemple file to the initial import with mongoimport in /Data/example_import.txt:
cd node-mongo-vue-vuestic-dashboard-template/Data
mongoimport --db sales --collection sales --file exemple_import.txt --jsonArray
Otherwise can run the seed, 10000 fake data will be created:
cd node-mongo-vue-vuestic-dashboard-template
npm run seed
The file /Data/migration/mongomigration.js has some stuffs to be done before using the system
git checkout develop
-> change to checkout bragitnch
git checkout master
-> change to master branch
git pull
-> get all changes from the server
git add .
-> add all local changes
git commit -m "message"
-> commit changes with a message
git push origin develop
-> send all committed changes to the develop branch
Develop everything first on the develop branch