There are 2 scripts required here to work with the DigiScore Jetbot ensemble:
| CA_Digiscore.ipynb
Place these together into the 'notebooks' folder of the 'jetbot'. They have been designed to run through JupyterLab interface so the proprietary Jetbot disk image can be used. Follow instructions here
The following libraries need to be added at root level after the SD Card image has been installed AND the setup instructions have been completed.
Plug a screen into the Nano. Notice the Ubuntu UI has been disabled, so you should get a terminal window.
login id: jetbot
password: jetbot
check video camera is connected
ls -l /dev/video0
sudo apt-get update password~: jetbot
get portaudio libraries
sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev python-all-dev python3-all-dev
- install pyaudio
python3 pip install pyaudio
- run from webpage Follow instructions here