"EcoSwap" is a mobile app designed to promote responsible consumption and sustainable living. It encourages users to reduce waste, make eco-friendly choices, and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. Here are some key features:
- Swap and Trade Platform: Users can create listings to swap or trade items they no longer need, from clothing and electronics to household goods. The app connects users based on their location and item preferences.
- Sustainable Shopping Guide: EcoSwap provides a directory of local eco-friendly stores, secondhand shops, and farmers' markets where users can find sustainable products and support responsible businesses.
- Waste Reduction Challenges: The app offers users various challenges and goals related to waste reduction, encouraging them to adopt more sustainable habits.
- Carbon Offsetting: EcoSwap allows users to calculate their carbon footprint and offers options to offset it by supporting reforestation or renewable energy projects.
How It Contributes to SDGs:
- Goal 12: EcoSwap promotes responsible consumption and production by encouraging the reuse and exchange of goods, reducing waste generation.
- Goal 13: By helping users reduce their carbon footprint and make sustainable choices, the app directly contributes to climate action.
"EcoSwap" empowers individuals to make more sustainable choices in their everyday lives, contributing to several SDGs related to environmental sustainability and responsible consumption.
EcoSwap available on two platforms:
- Android & iOS
There is no any requirements to launch the app, currently the app still using Dummies and Local Database on some features (carbon tracker & chat), just make sure to use the "main" branch.
- To Login, just fill the email and password with anything, e.g:
email: abc
password: abc
- To Register, make sure the email form is using a correct format, and the password with minimum 8 length, e.g:
password: abcde12345
EcoSwap features:
- Register
- Login
- Home
- Tracking (Sustainability)
- Message
- Profile
- Search Items and Stores (by name and category)
- Item Detail
- Store Item Detail
- Store Profile
- Other Profile
- Add Items
- Add Review
- Add Progress
- when navigating to message screen from store profile, instead messaging the store, user will message other user with the same id
- Carbon Tracker feature calculation is not valid (assume it is random number)
- User and Store is different (account)
- Items is posted by User, and Store Item is owned by Store (just a showcase)
- To use add features (items, review, progress) make sure to fill every form and choice.