Typescript libraries for the CoolCat network.
TS library for interacting with the CoolCat blockchain
TS library for interacting with CoolCat smart contracts (Profiles, Clowders...)
Chain Registry info for CoolCat
Checkout the repository and bootstrap the yarn workspace:
# Clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/DigitalKitchenLabs/interface
yarn bootstrap
yarn build
lerna publish
# lerna publish minor
# lerna publish major
🛠 Built by Digital Kitchen, based on Cosmology ⚛️ goodness!
Code built with the help of these related projects:
- @cosmwasm/ts-codegen for generated CosmWasm contract Typescript classes
- @osmonauts/telescope Telescope is a TypeScript Transpiler for Cosmos Protobufs.
- chain-registry an npm module for the official Cosmos chain-registry
- cosmos-kit A wallet connector for the Cosmos ⚛️