Created by XG-PRO and DimYfantidis
- Create Camera inside an invisible cube
- Create invisible body
Create Spherical camera
Create a big plane- Create High Resolution Objects
- Recursive function that adjusts vertices for high/low poly
- Create textures
- Create shadows
- Create Gravity
- Create Collision
- Collision Detection
- Collision Resolution
- Read Physics books (in sources section, below)
Create FOV- Create Movement
Forward and BackLeft and RightDelta Time- Acceleration and Desceleration
- Smooth Movement
- Jump (Needs Collision First)
Lock Mouse Inside application -> Track mouse with camera- Fix Lighting (real)
- Create Skybox
- Insert Music
Ambient music- SFX
- Learn OpenGL: (
- Game Physics Engine by Ian Millington: (
- Book of Shaders: (
- Game Physics Cookbook by Gabor Szauer: (