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python framework for generating initramfs's from yaml definitions

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Initramfs generator

This project is a framework which can be used to generate an initramfs.

Executing ./ will read the config from config.yaml and use that to generate an initramfs.

The goal of the project was to design one that can be used to enter GPG keys for LUKS keyfiles over serial, to boot a btrfs raided filesystem.


To use this script, configure config.yaml to meet specifications and run ./ as root.

Another config file can be used by passing it as an argument to

The example config can be used with ./ example_config.yaml


The main configuration file is config.yaml

General config


Setting out_dir changes where the script writes the output files, it defaults to initramfs in the local dir.


Setting clean to true makes the script clean the output directory prior to generating it.


All entires specified in the binaries list will be imported into the initramfs.

lddtree is used to find the required libraries.


All entries in the paths list will be created as folders under the ./initramfs directory.

They should not start with a leading /


The modules config directive should contain a list with names specifying the path of which will be loaded, such as base_modules.base, base_modules.serial or base_modules.crypsetup.

Another directory for modules can be created, the naming scheme is similar to how python imports work.

When a module is loaded, will try to load that yaml file, parsing it in the same manner config.yaml is parsed.

The order in which modules/directives are loaded is very important!

All of the config could be placed in a single file, but it makes more sense to organize it.


The most powerful part of a module is the imports directive.

Imports are used to hook into the general processing scheme, and become part of the main InitramfsGenerator object.

Portions are loaded into the InitramfsGenerator's config_dict which is an InitramfsConfigDict

imports are defined with the first key being the nameof the import type, the value being the path of the python module to be imported, which has a list containing functions to be imported, in order.

Imported functions have access to the entire self scope, giving them full control of whatever other modules are loaded when they are executed, and the capability to dynamically create new functions.

This script should be executed as root, to have access to all files and libraries required to boot, so special care should be taken when loading and creating modules.


These imports are very special, they can be used to change how parameters are parsed by the internal config_dict.

A good example of this is in

def _process_mounts_multi(self, key, mount_config):
    Processes the passed mounts into fstab mount objects
    under 'fstab_mounts'
    self['mounts'][key] = FstabMount(destination=f"/{key}", **mount_config)

This module manages mount management, and loads new mounts into fstab objects, also defined in the base module.

The name of config_prcessing functions is very important, it must be formatted like _process_{name} where the name is the root variable name in the yaml config.

If the function name has _mulit at the end, it will be called using the handle_plural function, iterating over passed lists/dicts automatically.

A new root varaible named oops could be defined, and a function _process_oops could be created and imported, raising an error when this vlaue is found, for example.

This module is loaded in the imports section of the base.yaml file:

      - _process_mounts
      - generate_fstab
      - mount_fstab
      - mount_root
      - clean_mounts
      - switch_root


Build tasks are functions which will be executed after the directory structure has been generated using the specified paths.

The base module contains one for generating the fstab using mounts loaded into the FstabMount objects.


By default, the specified init hooks are: 'init_pre', 'init_main', 'init_late', 'init_final'

These hooks are defined under the init_types list in the InitramfsGenerator object.

When the init scripts are generated, functions under dicts in the config defined by the names in this list will be called to generate the init scripts.

This list can be updated to add or disable portions. The order is important, as most internal hooks use init_pre and init_final to wrap every other init category, in order.

Each function should return a list of strings containing the shell lines, which will be written to the init file.

A general overview of the procedure used for generating the init is to write the chosen shebang, build in init_pre, then everything but init_final, then finally init_final. These init portions are added to one file.


To entirely change how the init files are generated, custom_init can be used.

The serial module uses the custom_init hook to change the init creation procedure.

Like with the typical flow, it starts by creating the base init file with the shebang and init_pre portions. Once this is done, execution is handed off to all fucntions present in the custom_init imports.

Finally, like the standard init build, the init_final is written to the main init file.

      - custom_init

def custom_init(self):
    init override
    from os import chmod
    with open(f"{self.out_dir}/", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as main_init:
        [main_init.write(f"{line}\n") for line in self.generate_init_main()]
    chmod(f"{self.out_dir}/", 0o755)
    return serial_init(self)

def serial_init(self):
    start agetty
        out = list()
        for name, config in self.config_dict['serial'].items():
            if config.get('local'):
                out.append(f"agetty --autologin root --login-program / -L {config['baud']} {name} {config['type']}")
                out.append(f"agetty --autologin root --login-program / {config['baud']} {name} {config['type']}")
        return out

This function creates a new file which contains everything but the init_pre and init_final bits, and returns the ouput of the serial_init function which references that new file.

The end result is the init script starting a shell in the location specified using the serial config dict which calls and runs the main portion of the init.


python framework for generating initramfs's from yaml definitions






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