MASTER THESIS - Updating soon
conda create -n mononerf python=3.8
conda activate mononerf
I trained the model on subject number 377 and 387 using the following command. Changing the activation function between Relu, Leaky relu and Elu to find the sufficient results. Also changing the model pipeline to achieve the 3D reconstructed results. Further training and updates will be given soon.
python --cfg configs/human_nerf/zju_mocap/377/adventure.yaml
The model was trained for a total of of 190 epochs, following a total iteration of 97000 approx. Total time for 1 scene training is 24+ hours on a Single Gpu.
Start of training (1000 iterations)
End of Training (95000 iterations approx)
python \
--type movement \
--cfg configs/human_nerf/zju_mocap/377/adventure.yaml