- Open terminal and clone this repository using using
git clone https://github.com/DirectriX01/restAPI-node-app.git
- Running the Backend
- Navigate into the folder using
cd ./restAPI-node-app
- You're on master branch by default, run
npm install
to install the backend dependencies - Run the server using
npm start
❗ You must change the mongoDB url in app.js and set it to your own mongoDB databaseURL
- Navigate into the folder using
- Running the frontend
- Open a new window of your terminal/IDE and navigate into the same folder.
- Run
git checkout frontendFiles
to change the branch to frontendFiles. - Install the dependencies using
npm build
. Note this will take time since dependencies of React-App are huge - After installing, run the frontend live using
npm start
- Running the Backend
- The backend is built using Node.js framework along with express routers.
- The REST-API is implemented along the lines of MVC Model.
- mongoDB is used for storing data. However for performing database level interactions we use mongoose which is a library built to perform mongoDB documents operations easily.