View Source: contracts/locked/LockedSOV.sol
↗ Extends: ILockedSOV
This contract is used to receive reward from other contracts, Create Vesting and Stake Tokens.
Constants & Variables
//public members
uint256 public constant MAX_BASIS_POINT;
uint256 public constant MAX_DURATION;
bool public migration;
uint256 public cliff;
uint256 public duration;
contract IERC20 public SOV;
contract VestingRegistry public vestingRegistry;
contract ILockedSOV public newLockedSOV;
//private members
mapping(address => uint256) private lockedBalances;
mapping(address => uint256) private unlockedBalances;
mapping(address => bool) private isAdmin;
event AdminAdded(address indexed _initiator, address indexed _newAdmin);
event AdminRemoved(address indexed _initiator, address indexed _removedAdmin);
event RegistryCliffAndDurationUpdated(address indexed _initiator, address indexed _vestingRegistry, uint256 _cliff, uint256 _duration);
event Deposited(address indexed _initiator, address indexed _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount, uint256 _basisPoint);
event Withdrawn(address indexed _initiator, address indexed _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount);
event VestingCreated(address indexed _initiator, address indexed _userAddress, address indexed _vesting);
event TokenStaked(address indexed _initiator, address indexed _vesting, uint256 _amount);
event MigrationStarted(address indexed _initiator, address indexed _newLockedSOV);
event UserTransfered(address indexed _initiator, uint256 _amount);
modifier onlyAdmin() internal
modifier migrationAllowed() internal
- constructor(address _SOV, address _vestingRegistry, uint256 _cliff, uint256 _duration, address[] _admins)
- addAdmin(address _newAdmin)
- removeAdmin(address _adminToRemove)
- changeRegistryCliffAndDuration(address _vestingRegistry, uint256 _cliff, uint256 _duration)
- deposit(address _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount, uint256 _basisPoint)
- depositSOV(address _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount)
- _deposit(address _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount, uint256 _basisPoint)
- withdraw(address _receiverAddress)
- _withdraw(address _sender, address _receiverAddress)
- createVestingAndStake()
- _createVestingAndStake(address _sender)
- createVesting()
- stakeTokens()
- withdrawAndStakeTokens(address _receiverAddress)
- withdrawAndStakeTokensFrom(address _userAddress)
- startMigration(address _newLockedSOV)
- transfer()
- _createVesting(address _tokenOwner)
- _getVesting(address _tokenOwner)
- _stakeTokens(address _sender, address _vesting)
- getLockedBalance(address _addr)
- getUnlockedBalance(address _addr)
- adminStatus(address _addr)
Setup the required parameters.
function (address _SOV, address _vestingRegistry, uint256 _cliff, uint256 _duration, address[] _admins) public nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_SOV | address | The SOV Token Address. |
_vestingRegistry | address | The Vesting Registry Address. |
_cliff | uint256 | The time period after which the tokens begin to unlock. |
_duration | uint256 | The time period after all tokens will have been unlocked. |
_admins | address[] | The list of Admins to be added. |
Source Code
address _SOV,
address _vestingRegistry,
uint256 _cliff,
uint256 _duration,
address[] memory _admins
) public {
require(_SOV != address(0), "Invalid SOV Address.");
require(_vestingRegistry != address(0), "Vesting registry address is invalid.");
require(_duration < MAX_DURATION, "Duration is too long.");
vestingRegistry = VestingRegistry(_vestingRegistry);
cliff = _cliff * 4 weeks;
duration = _duration * 4 weeks;
for (uint256 index = 0; index < _admins.length; index++) {
isAdmin[_admins[index]] = true;
The function to add a new admin.
function addAdmin(address _newAdmin) public nonpayable onlyAdmin
Name | Type | Description |
_newAdmin | address | The address of the new admin. |
Source Code
function addAdmin(address _newAdmin) public onlyAdmin {
require(_newAdmin != address(0), "Invalid Address.");
require(!isAdmin[_newAdmin], "Address is already admin.");
isAdmin[_newAdmin] = true;
emit AdminAdded(msg.sender, _newAdmin);
The function to remove an admin.
function removeAdmin(address _adminToRemove) public nonpayable onlyAdmin
Name | Type | Description |
_adminToRemove | address | The address of the admin which should be removed. |
Source Code
function removeAdmin(address _adminToRemove) public onlyAdmin {
require(isAdmin[_adminToRemove], "Address is not an admin.");
isAdmin[_adminToRemove] = false;
emit AdminRemoved(msg.sender, _adminToRemove);
The function to update the Vesting Registry, Duration and Cliff.
function changeRegistryCliffAndDuration(address _vestingRegistry, uint256 _cliff, uint256 _duration) external nonpayable onlyAdmin
Name | Type | Description |
_vestingRegistry | address | The Vesting Registry Address. |
_cliff | uint256 | The time period after which the tokens begin to unlock. |
_duration | uint256 | The time period after all tokens will have been unlocked. |
Source Code
function changeRegistryCliffAndDuration(
address _vestingRegistry,
uint256 _cliff,
uint256 _duration
) external onlyAdmin {
address(vestingRegistry) != _vestingRegistry,
"Vesting Registry has to be different for changing duration and cliff."
/// If duration is also zero, then it is similar to Unlocked SOV.
require(_duration != 0, "Duration cannot be zero.");
require(_duration < MAX_DURATION, "Duration is too long.");
vestingRegistry = VestingRegistry(_vestingRegistry);
cliff = _cliff * 4 weeks;
duration = _duration * 4 weeks;
emit RegistryCliffAndDurationUpdated(msg.sender, _vestingRegistry, _cliff, _duration);
⤾ overrides ILockedSOV.deposit
Adds SOV to the user balance (Locked and Unlocked Balance based on _basisPoint
function deposit(address _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount, uint256 _basisPoint) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_userAddress | address | The user whose locked balance has to be updated with _sovAmount . |
_sovAmount | uint256 | The amount of SOV to be added to the locked and/or unlocked balance. |
_basisPoint | uint256 | The % (in Basis Point)which determines how much will be unlocked immediately. |
Source Code
function deposit(
address _userAddress,
uint256 _sovAmount,
uint256 _basisPoint
) external {
_deposit(_userAddress, _sovAmount, _basisPoint);
⤾ overrides ILockedSOV.depositSOV
Adds SOV to the locked balance of a user.
function depositSOV(address _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_userAddress | address | The user whose locked balance has to be updated with _sovAmount. |
_sovAmount | uint256 | The amount of SOV to be added to the locked balance. |
Source Code
function depositSOV(address _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount) external {
_deposit(_userAddress, _sovAmount, 0);
function _deposit(address _userAddress, uint256 _sovAmount, uint256 _basisPoint) private nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_userAddress | address | |
_sovAmount | uint256 | |
_basisPoint | uint256 |
Source Code
function _deposit(
address _userAddress,
uint256 _sovAmount,
uint256 _basisPoint
) private {
// MAX_BASIS_POINT is not included because if 100% is unlocked, then LockedSOV is not required to be used.
require(_basisPoint < MAX_BASIS_POINT, "Basis Point has to be less than 10000.");
bool txStatus = SOV.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _sovAmount);
require(txStatus, "Token transfer was not successful. Check receiver address.");
uint256 unlockedBal = _sovAmount.mul(_basisPoint).div(MAX_BASIS_POINT);
unlockedBalances[_userAddress] = unlockedBalances[_userAddress].add(unlockedBal);
lockedBalances[_userAddress] = lockedBalances[_userAddress].add(_sovAmount).sub(
emit Deposited(msg.sender, _userAddress, _sovAmount, _basisPoint);
A function to withdraw the unlocked balance.
function withdraw(address _receiverAddress) public nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_receiverAddress | address | If specified, the unlocked balance will go to this address, else to msg.sender. |
Source Code
function withdraw(address _receiverAddress) public {
_withdraw(msg.sender, _receiverAddress);
function _withdraw(address _sender, address _receiverAddress) private nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_sender | address | |
_receiverAddress | address |
Source Code
function _withdraw(address _sender, address _receiverAddress) private {
address userAddr = _receiverAddress;
if (_receiverAddress == address(0)) {
userAddr = _sender;
uint256 amount = unlockedBalances[_sender];
unlockedBalances[_sender] = 0;
bool txStatus = SOV.transfer(userAddr, amount);
require(txStatus, "Token transfer was not successful. Check receiver address.");
emit Withdrawn(_sender, userAddr, amount);
Creates vesting if not already created and Stakes tokens for a user.
function createVestingAndStake() public nonpayable
Source Code
function createVestingAndStake() public {
function _createVestingAndStake(address _sender) private nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_sender | address |
Source Code
function _createVestingAndStake(address _sender) private {
address vestingAddr = _getVesting(_sender);
if (vestingAddr == address(0)) {
vestingAddr = _createVesting(_sender);
_stakeTokens(_sender, vestingAddr);
Creates vesting contract (if it hasn't been created yet) for the calling user.
function createVesting() public nonpayable
returns(_vestingAddress address)
Source Code
function createVesting() public returns (address _vestingAddress) {
_vestingAddress = _createVesting(msg.sender);
Stakes tokens for a user who already have a vesting created.
function stakeTokens() public nonpayable
Source Code
function stakeTokens() public {
VestingLogic vesting = VestingLogic(_getVesting(msg.sender));
cliff == vesting.cliff() && duration == vesting.duration(),
"Wrong Vesting Schedule."
_stakeTokens(msg.sender, address(vesting));
Withdraws unlocked tokens and Stakes Locked tokens for a user who already have a vesting created.
function withdrawAndStakeTokens(address _receiverAddress) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_receiverAddress | address | If specified, the unlocked balance will go to this address, else to msg.sender. |
Source Code
function withdrawAndStakeTokens(address _receiverAddress) external {
_withdraw(msg.sender, _receiverAddress);
⤾ overrides ILockedSOV.withdrawAndStakeTokensFrom
Withdraws unlocked tokens and Stakes Locked tokens for a user who already have a vesting created.
function withdrawAndStakeTokensFrom(address _userAddress) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_userAddress | address | The address of user tokens will be withdrawn. |
Source Code
function withdrawAndStakeTokensFrom(address _userAddress) external {
_withdraw(_userAddress, _userAddress);
Function to start the process of migration to new contract.
function startMigration(address _newLockedSOV) external nonpayable onlyAdmin
Name | Type | Description |
_newLockedSOV | address | The new locked sov contract address. |
Source Code
function startMigration(address _newLockedSOV) external onlyAdmin {
require(_newLockedSOV != address(0), "New Locked SOV Address is Invalid.");
newLockedSOV = ILockedSOV(_newLockedSOV);
SOV.approve(_newLockedSOV, SOV.balanceOf(address(this)));
migration = true;
emit MigrationStarted(msg.sender, _newLockedSOV);
Function to transfer the locked balance from this contract to new LockedSOV Contract.
function transfer() external nonpayable migrationAllowed
Source Code
function transfer() external migrationAllowed {
uint256 amount = lockedBalances[msg.sender];
lockedBalances[msg.sender] = 0;
newLockedSOV.depositSOV(msg.sender, amount);
emit UserTransfered(msg.sender, amount);
Creates a Vesting Contract for a user.
function _createVesting(address _tokenOwner) internal nonpayable
returns(_vestingAddress address)
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenOwner | address | The owner of the vesting contract. |
_vestingAddress The Vesting Contract Address.
Source Code
function _createVesting(address _tokenOwner) internal returns (address _vestingAddress) {
/// Here zero is given in place of amount, as amount is not really used in `vestingRegistry.createVesting()`.
vestingRegistry.createVesting(_tokenOwner, 0, cliff, duration);
_vestingAddress = _getVesting(_tokenOwner);
emit VestingCreated(msg.sender, _tokenOwner, _vestingAddress);
Returns the Vesting Contract Address.
function _getVesting(address _tokenOwner) internal view
returns(_vestingAddress address)
Name | Type | Description |
_tokenOwner | address | The owner of the vesting contract. |
_vestingAddress The Vesting Contract Address.
Source Code
function _getVesting(address _tokenOwner) internal view returns (address _vestingAddress) {
return vestingRegistry.getVesting(_tokenOwner);
Stakes the tokens in a particular vesting contract.
function _stakeTokens(address _sender, address _vesting) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_sender | address | |
_vesting | address | The Vesting Contract Address. |
Source Code
function _stakeTokens(address _sender, address _vesting) internal {
uint256 amount = lockedBalances[_sender];
lockedBalances[_sender] = 0;
require(SOV.approve(_vesting, amount), "Approve failed.");
emit TokenStaked(_sender, _vesting, amount);
⤾ overrides ILockedSOV.getLockedBalance
The function to get the locked balance of a user.
function getLockedBalance(address _addr) external view
returns(_balance uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
_addr | address | The address of the user to check the locked balance. |
_balance The locked balance of the address _addr
Source Code
function getLockedBalance(address _addr) external view returns (uint256 _balance) {
return lockedBalances[_addr];
⤾ overrides ILockedSOV.getUnlockedBalance
The function to get the unlocked balance of a user.
function getUnlockedBalance(address _addr) external view
returns(_balance uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
_addr | address | The address of the user to check the unlocked balance. |
_balance The unlocked balance of the address _addr
Source Code
function getUnlockedBalance(address _addr) external view returns (uint256 _balance) {
return unlockedBalances[_addr];
The function to check is an address is admin or not.
function adminStatus(address _addr) external view
returns(_status bool)
Name | Type | Description |
_addr | address | The address of the user to check the admin status. |
_status True if admin, False otherwise.
Source Code
function adminStatus(address _addr) external view returns (bool _status) {
return isAdmin[_addr];
- Address
- Administered
- AdminRole
- AdvancedToken
- AdvancedTokenStorage
- Affiliates
- AffiliatesEvents
- ApprovalReceiver
- BProPriceFeed
- CheckpointsShared
- Constants
- Context
- DevelopmentFund
- DummyContract
- EnumerableAddressSet
- EnumerableBytes32Set
- EnumerableBytes4Set
- ERC20
- ERC20Detailed
- ErrorDecoder
- Escrow
- EscrowReward
- FeedsLike
- FeesEvents
- FeeSharingCollector
- FeeSharingCollectorProxy
- FeeSharingCollectorStorage
- FeesHelper
- FourYearVesting
- FourYearVestingFactory
- FourYearVestingLogic
- FourYearVestingStorage
- GenericTokenSender
- GovernorAlpha
- GovernorVault
- IApproveAndCall
- IChai
- IContractRegistry
- IConverterAMM
- IERC1820Registry
- IERC20_
- IERC20
- IERC777
- IERC777Recipient
- IERC777Sender
- IFeeSharingCollector
- IFourYearVesting
- IFourYearVestingFactory
- IFunctionsList
- ILiquidityMining
- ILiquidityPoolV1Converter
- ILoanPool
- ILoanToken
- ILoanTokenLogicBeacon
- ILoanTokenLogicModules
- ILoanTokenLogicProxy
- ILoanTokenModules
- ILoanTokenWRBTC
- ILockedSOV
- IMoCState
- IModulesProxyRegistry
- Initializable
- InterestUser
- IPot
- IPriceFeeds
- IPriceFeedsExt
- IProtocol
- IRSKOracle
- ISovryn
- ISovrynSwapNetwork
- IStaking
- ISwapsImpl
- ITeamVesting
- ITimelock
- IV1PoolOracle
- IVesting
- IVestingFactory
- IVestingRegistry
- IWrbtc
- IWrbtcERC20
- LenderInterestStruct
- LiquidationHelper
- LiquidityMining
- LiquidityMiningConfigToken
- LiquidityMiningProxy
- LiquidityMiningStorage
- LoanClosingsEvents
- LoanClosingsLiquidation
- LoanClosingsRollover
- LoanClosingsShared
- LoanClosingsWith
- LoanClosingsWithoutInvariantCheck
- LoanInterestStruct
- LoanMaintenance
- LoanMaintenanceEvents
- LoanOpenings
- LoanOpeningsEvents
- LoanParamsStruct
- LoanSettings
- LoanSettingsEvents
- LoanStruct
- LoanToken
- LoanTokenBase
- LoanTokenLogicBeacon
- LoanTokenLogicLM
- LoanTokenLogicProxy
- LoanTokenLogicStandard
- LoanTokenLogicStorage
- LoanTokenLogicWrbtc
- LoanTokenSettingsLowerAdmin
- LockedSOV
- MarginTradeStructHelpers
- Medianizer
- ModuleCommonFunctionalities
- ModulesCommonEvents
- ModulesProxy
- ModulesProxyRegistry
- MultiSigKeyHolders
- MultiSigWallet
- Mutex
- Objects
- OrderStruct
- OrigingVestingCreator
- OriginInvestorsClaim
- Ownable
- Pausable
- PausableOz
- PreviousLoanToken
- PreviousLoanTokenSettingsLowerAdmin
- PriceFeedRSKOracle
- PriceFeeds
- PriceFeedsLocal
- PriceFeedsMoC
- PriceFeedV1PoolOracle
- ProtocolAffiliatesInterface
- ProtocolLike
- ProtocolSettings
- ProtocolSettingsEvents
- ProtocolSettingsLike
- ProtocolSwapExternalInterface
- ProtocolTokenUser
- Proxy
- ProxyOwnable
- ReentrancyGuard
- RewardHelper
- RSKAddrValidator
- SafeERC20
- SafeMath
- SafeMath96
- setGet
- SharedReentrancyGuard
- SignedSafeMath
- sovrynProtocol
- StakingAdminModule
- StakingGovernanceModule
- StakingInterface
- StakingProxy
- StakingRewards
- StakingRewardsProxy
- StakingRewardsStorage
- StakingShared
- StakingStakeModule
- StakingStorageModule
- StakingStorageShared
- StakingVestingModule
- StakingWithdrawModule
- State
- SwapsEvents
- SwapsExternal
- SwapsImplLocal
- SwapsImplSovrynSwap
- SwapsUser
- TeamVesting
- Timelock
- TimelockHarness
- TimelockInterface
- TokenSender
- UpgradableProxy
- USDTPriceFeed
- Utils
- VaultController
- Vesting
- VestingCreator
- VestingFactory
- VestingLogic
- VestingRegistry
- VestingRegistry2
- VestingRegistry3
- VestingRegistryLogic
- VestingRegistryProxy
- VestingRegistryStorage
- VestingStorage
- WeightedStakingModule