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This snippet compares different values and returns required chunk or string.



Just run the following PHP code in your sources or Console:

//Include (MODX)EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddInstaller
	$modx->getConfig('base_path') .

//Install (MODX)EvolutionCMS.snippets.ddIf
	'url' => '',
	'type' => 'snippet'
  • If ddIf is not exist on your site, ddInstaller will just install it.
  • If ddIf is already exist on your site, ddInstaller will check it version and update it if needed.


1. Elements → Snippets: Create a new snippet with the following data

  1. Snippet name: ddIf.
  2. Description: <b>2.3.1</b> This snippet compares different values and returns required chunk or string..
  3. Category: Core.
  4. Parse DocBlock: no.
  5. Snippet code (php): Insert content of the ddIf_snippet.php file from the archive.

2. Elements → Manage Files

  1. Create a new folder assets/snippets/ddIf/.
  2. Extract the archive to the folder (except ddIf_snippet.php).

Parameters description

  • operand1

    • Desctription: The first operand for comparing.
      An empty unparsed placeholder (like '[+somePlaceholder+]') will be interpretated as empty string ('').
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • operand2

    • Desctription: The second operand for comparing.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: ''
  • operator

    • Desctription: Comparing operator.
      Values are case insensitive (the following names are equal: 'isNumeric', 'isnumeric', 'ISNUMERIC', etc).
    • Valid values:
      • '=='
      • '!='
      • '>'
      • '<'
      • '<='
      • '>='
      • 'bool'
      • 'inArray'
      • 'isNumeric'
      • 'isWhitespace' — checks if operand1 is just white space (an empty string is also considered as white space)
      • 'isIncludes' — case-sensitive check if operand1 contains operand2
    • Default value: '=='
  • trueChunk

    • Desctription: This value is returning if result is true. Available placeholders:
      • [+ddIfParams.operand1+] — contains operand1 value.
      • [+ddIfParams.operand2+] — contains operand2 value.
      • [+ddIfParams.operator+] — contains operator value.
      • [+any placeholders from the placeholders parameter+]
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value: ''
  • falseChunk

    • Desctription: This value is returning if result is false. Available placeholders:
      • [+ddIfParams.operand1+] — contains operand1 value.
      • [+ddIfParams.operand2+] — contains operand2 value.
      • [+ddIfParams.operator+] — contains operator value.
      • [+any placeholders from the placeholders parameter+]
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value: ''
  • placeholders

    • Desctription: Additional data has to be passed into the trueChunk and falseChunk.
      Nested objects and arrays are supported too:
      • {"someOne": "1", "someTwo": "test" } => [+someOne+], [+someTwo+].
      • {"some": {"a": "one", "b": "two"} } => [+some.a+], [+some.b+].
      • {"some": ["one", "two"] } => [+some.0+], [+some.1+].
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON
      • stringQueryFormatted — as Query string
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: —
  • debugTitle

    • Desctription: The title for the System Event log if debugging is needed.
      Just set it and watch the System Event log.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: —


String comparison

	&operand1=`Test string 1`
	&operand2=`Test string 2`
	&trueChunk=`@CODE:The strings are equal.`
	&falseChunk=`@CODE:The strings are not equal.`


The strings are not equal.

Checks if a value exists in an array

	&falseChunk=`@CODE:Not exists.`



Check if operand1 contains operand2

	&operand1=`The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.`
	&trueChunk=`@CODE:“fox” is found`
	&falseChunk=`@CODE:“fox” is not found`


“fox” is found

Checks if a operand1 value is number or not

	&falseChunk=`@CODE:Not number.`



Checks if a operand1 value is just white space or not

Any number of spaces / tabs / new lines / etc are considered as white space. An empty string is also considered as white space.

	&trueChunk=`@CODE:The string contains only some whitespace characters.`


The string contains only some whitespace characters.

If operand1 contains any non-whitespace characters, falseString will be returned.

	&operand1=`All you need is love.`
	&trueChunk=`@CODE:The string contains only some whitespace characters.`


All you need is love.

Number comparison and pass additional data to chunks

		"title": "[*pagetitle*]",
		"image": "[*general_image*]",
		"somethingText": "All we need is love!"

Code of the general_good chunk:

	<h2>[+title+], $[+ddIfParams.operand1+]</h2>
	<img src="[+image+]" alt="[+title+]" />

Code of the general_goodInexpensive chunk:

<div class="inexpensive">
	<h2>[+title+], <strong>$[+ddIfParams.operand1+]</strong></h2>
	<img src="[+image+]" alt="[+title+]" />

Let [*general_price*] be equal to 120, then the snippet returns:

<div class="inexpensive">
	<h2>Some inexpensive good, <strong>$120</strong></h2>
	<img src="assets/images/goods/some1.jpg" alt="Some inexpensive good" />

Run the snippet through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet without DB and eval

//Include (MODX)EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddTools
	$modx->getConfig('base_path') .

//Run (MODX)EvolutionCMS.snippets.ddIf
	'name' => 'ddIf',
	'params' => [
		'operand1' => '1',
		'operator' => 'bool',
		'trueChunk' => '@CODE:It's true!'



This snippet compares different values and returns required chunk or string.






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