BotPlace Hub:
A new app built on pywebview and Django.
the app serve as a multi shell to run the Hub itself and Raw python apps that the Hub allow to download.
For the init stage the app comes with all the packages pre-installed. we already built and tested "local pip" with our system
but its not connected yet to see first how raw python apps runs on pre compiled env with adaptive site-packages.
app is very simple and allows user to get updates directly from the webapp without client updates.
it will self-check and build AHK from github to allow .py | .ahk | .exe portable download and running.
Raw apps like Botit DIY use the env of the Compiled EXE. it is built to be empty and detect a .py arg on the call
it will then redirect the app to the new python script while skipping the Hub app.
Live news system also supported by django. HTMX running the magic with the local calls.
alpine cover most of the UI functions. the app use emulated browser temp storage to remember your settings.
while first Init and "Update" UI comes from local the main app is a remote URL load to the botit webapp.
it will then write data on the webapp data results (like download / update / start) or the blinking dot on new apps.
the Hub is Uncompiled! it runs as a raw python file from apps/hub/
you can view. edit. change with any code editor and run again to apply any change.
News Welcome Window
App Window