FRC Team 6413 Degrees of Freedom's Swerve Code from Scratch (No WPILIB Libraries) Each Branch is a Different Programming Member's Code
Comments on EVERYTHING (Commands, Constants, etc)
Organize things PROPERLY in corresponding Folders (Create Folders if Necessary)
Create Issues for EVERY BRANCH
- Every Branch Should have an Issue Linked to it
LOGOUT When Finished
- Use Credential Manager to Log Out of Github through Windows
- Log Out of Slack
- Log Out of Google
- Log Out of Github
main Branch:
- Use for Competitions
- Only Receives Pushes from Dev
- Do NOT Make Branches off of main
dev Branch:
- Use for Full Systems Tests
- Only Push to Main after Tested and Clean
- No hardcoded values
- Explanatory Comments
- Code is Fully Functioning
- Make Feature Branches off of this Branch
- Used for new Features on the Robot
- Branch Name is all Lowercase
- Make Feature Branches off of the Dev Branch
- Use for Code changes
- Changes can be as small or big as necessary
- Only Contains what the Branch is named
- EX. No climber code in a feat-shooter branch
- Push to Dev when code is Tested and Clean
- No hardcoded values
- Explanatory Comments
- Code is Fully Functioning
- Used for a bugfix of a feature from Dev
- Branch Name is all Lowercase
- Make BugFix Branches off of the Dev Branch
- Used for cleaning code
- Branch Name is all Lowercase
- Make Chore Branches off of the Dev Branch
- Mainly used by mentor or lead
- git add .
- stages all code to prepare for commit and push
- git commit -m "[Insert Message Here]"
- Saves code locally with a msg of what was done to the code
- git push
- Pushes Code to the Cloud
- git fetch
- tells laptop their are new changes
- git pull
- puts new changes on laptop
- git pull does git fetch
- git pull origin Dev
- pulls changes from Dev
- git checkout [branch name]
- Changes your branch
- git checkout -b [branchname]
- Creates new branch off of current branch
- git branch
- Shows all branches that have been pulled on laptop
- git branch --all
- Shows all branches since last fetch
- git config [User Email]
- Configures Email for THAT specfic Folder
- Used to Properly Lable who Wrote what Code through Commits (Not Access or PRs)
- git config [Github Username]
- Configures Username for THAT Specific Folder
- Used to Properly Lable who Wrote what Code through Commits (Not Access or PRs)