When creating a badge for a new service or changing a badge's behavior, automated tests should be included. They serve three purposes:
The contributor and reviewer can easily verify the code works as intended.
When a badge stops working on the live server, maintainers can find out right away.
They speed up future contributors when they are debugging or improving a badge.
Contributors should take care to cover each part of a badge's functionality, and ideally, all code branches:
- Typical case
- File is present
- Build fails/succeeds
- Expected resource not found
- Service may provide 200 error code with different response format
- Service may return a 404 or other >= 400 status code
- Customization
- Non-default parameters like tags and branches
- Server errors and other malformed responses
- Service may return status code 500 and higher
- Invalid JSON
- Attributes missing or have incorrect types
- Headers missing
- Connection errors
In this tutorial, we'll write tests for the Travis badge. Here, you can see the source code:
cache(function(data, match, sendBadge, request) {
var userRepo = match[2]; // eg, espadrine/sc
var branch = match[3];
var format = match[4];
var options = {
method: 'HEAD',
uri: 'https://api.travis-ci.org/' + userRepo + '.svg',
if (branch != null) {
options.uri += '?branch=' + branch; // (3)
var badgeData = getBadgeData('build', data);
request(options, function(err, res) {
if (err != null) {
console.error('Travis error: ' + err.stack); // 5
if (res) { console.error(''+res); }
badgeData.text[1] = 'invalid';
sendBadge(format, badgeData);
try {
var state = res.headers['content-disposition']
badgeData.text[1] = state;
if (state === 'passing') {
badgeData.colorscheme = 'brightgreen'; // 1
} else if (state === 'failing') {
badgeData.colorscheme = 'red'; // 1
} else {
badgeData.text[1] = state; // 1, 2, 3
sendBadge(format, badgeData);
} catch(e) {
badgeData.text[1] = 'invalid'; // 4
sendBadge(format, badgeData);
It handles the typical cases (1), resource not found (2), customization (3), malformed responses (4), and connection errors (5).
Before getting started, install the project dependencies if you haven't already:
npm i
We'll start by creating a new module, service-tests/travis.js
, using this
'use strict';
const Joi = require('joi'); // 1
const ServiceTester = require('./runner/service-tester'); // 2
const t = new ServiceTester({ id: 'travis', title: 'Travis CI' }) // 3
module.exports = t; // 4
We'll import Joi (1) which will help with our assertions. We'll add all our tests to this ServiceTester object (2), which gets exported from the module (4). The first attribute passed to the constructor (3) is the id of a service, which is used to identify it on the command line or in a pull request. The tester will prepend the id to the URIs you provide later, which saves copying and pasting. The second attribute is the human-readable title of the service, which prints when you run the tests.
Next we'll add a test for the typical case.
The JSON format for this badge is { name: 'build', value: 'passing' }
Here's what our first test looks like:
t.create('build status on default branch')
name: Joi.equal('build'),
value: Joi.equal('failing', 'passing', 'unknown')
We need a real project to use for our tests. We'll use the programming language Rust, though we could have chosen any stable project with a Travis build.
The create()
method gives the tester a new test. The chained-on calls come
from the API testing framework IcedFrisby. Here's a longer example and
the complete API guide.
is an IcedFrisby method which accepts a Joi schema.
Joi is a validation library that is build into IcedFrisby which you can use to
match based on a set of allowed strings, regexes, or specific values. You can
refer to their API reference.
Since we don't know whether rust will be passing or not at the time the test
runs, we use Joi.equal()
, which accepts any of the values passed in.
Notice we don't have to specify /travis
again, or even localhost
. The test
runner handles that for us.
When defining an IcedFrisby test, typically you would invoke the toss()
method, to register the test. This is not necessary, because the Shields test
harness will call it for you.
Run the test:
npm run test:services -- --only=travis
The --only=
option indicates which service or services you want to test. You
can provide a comma-separated list of ids.
The --
tells the NPM CLI to pass the remaining arguments through to the test
Here's the output:
Travis CI
build status on default branch
[ GET http://localhost:1111/travis/rust-lang/rust.json ] (265ms)
1 passing (1s)
That's looking good!
Next we'll add a second test for a branch build.
t.create('build status on named branch')
name: Joi.equal('build'),
value: Joi.equal('failing', 'passing', 'unknown')
Travis CI
build status on default branch
[ GET http://localhost:1111/travis/rust-lang/rust.json ] (220ms)
build status on named branch
[ GET http://localhost:1111/travis/rust-lang/rust/stable.json ] (100ms)
2 passing (1s)
Having covered the typical and customize cases, we'll move on to errors.
First, a nonexistent repo, which Travis reports as having an unknown
t.create('unknown repo')
.expectJSON({ name: 'build', value: 'unknown' });
Since in this case we know the exact badge which should be returned, we can
use the more concise expectJSON()
in place of expectJSONTypes()
Next, we want to cover the code in the catch
block. To do this, we need to
trigger an exception. After studying the code, we realize this could happen on
a request without a Content-Disposition header.
Since we don't have an easy way to get the server to return a real repository
request without a Content-Disposition header, we will intercept the request
and provide our own mock response. We use the intercept()
method provided by
the icedfrisby-nock plugin. It takes a setup function,
which returns an interceptor, and exposes the full API of the HTTP mocking
library Nock.
t.create('missing content-disposition header')
.intercept(nock => nock('https://api.travis-ci.org')
.expectJSON({ name: 'build', value: 'invalid' });
Nock is fussy. All parts of a request must match perfectly for the mock to take effect, including the method (in this case HEAD), scheme (https), host, and path.
By checking code coverage, we can make sure we've covered all our bases.
We can generate a coverage report and open it:
npm run coverage:test:services -- --only=travis
npm run coverage:report:open
After searching server.js
for the Travis code, we see that we've missed a
big block: the error branch in the request callback. To test that, we simulate
network connection errors on any unmocked requests.
t.create('connection error')
.expectJSON({ name: 'build', value: 'invalid' });
The affected service ids should be included in brackets in the pull request title. That way, Travis will run those service tests. When a pull request affects multiple services, they should be separated with spaces. The test runner is case-insensitive, so they should be capitalized for readability.
For example:
- [Travis] Fix timeout issues
- [Travis Sonar] Support user token authentication
- [CRAN CPAN CTAN] Add test coverage
If you have questions about how to write your tests, please open an issue. If there's already an issue open for the badge you're working on, you can post a comment there instead.
'use strict';
const Joi = require('joi');
const ServiceTester = require('./runner/service-tester');
const t = new ServiceTester('Travis', '/travis');
module.exports = t;
t.create('build status on default branch')
name: Joi.equal('build'),
value: Joi.equal('failing', 'passing', 'unknown')
t.create('build status on named branch')
name: Joi.equal('build'),
value: Joi.equal('failing', 'passing', 'unknown')
t.create('unknown repo')
.expectJSON({ name: 'build', value: 'unknown' });
t.create('missing content-disposition header')
.intercept(nock => nock('https://api.travis-ci.org')
.expectJSON({ name: 'build', value: 'invalid' });
t.create('connection error')
.expectJSON({ name: 'build', value: 'invalid' });