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πŸ“† Calendar App - React-Redux w/ TypeScript + Material UI v5 + Tailwind CSS + Next.js 11 + React 17 βœ… Code Extended to Add and Display Reminders by Dr. Derek Austin πŸ‘€ View Production Build at I extended this React-Redux calendar app to include the ability to add and display reminders or appointments.

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πŸ“† Calendar App - React-Redux w/ TypeScript + Material UI v5 + Tailwind CSS + Next.js 11 + React 17

βœ… Code Extended to Add and Display Reminders by Dr. Derek Austin

πŸ‘€ View Production Build at

I extended this React-Redux calendar app to include the ability to add and display reminders or appointments.

Additionally, I added 10 other major features, including best practices and extensive test coverage.

Below you will find a complete feature set, description of technologies, and technical journal.

Required Features

  1. βœ… Added the ability to add new reminders for a user-entered date and time
  2. βœ… Limited reminders to no more than a maximum of 30 characters.
  3. βœ… Allowed the user to select a color when creating a reminder and display it appropriately.
  4. βœ… Displayed reminders on the calendar view in the correct time order.
  5. βœ… Properly handled overflow when multiple reminders appear on the same date.

Additional Features

  1. βœ… Deployed production build of Next.js 11.0.2@latest with CI/CD
  2. βœ… Upgraded React v16.8 to v17.0.2 and added Redux Toolkit (RTK)
  3. βœ… Migrated Material UI v3 to v5, including upgraded <DateTimePicker>
  4. βœ… Installed Tailwind CSS v2.2.4 with Just-in-Time JIT mode with PostCSS autoprefixer
  5. βœ… Established engineering best practices:
    • Prettier, ESLint, Husky (Git Hooks), tsconfig.json, TypeScript Import Sorter, .gitattributes
  6. βœ… Crafted unit tests for new code features (TDD / Test Driven Development)
    • Jest + React Testing Library with React Test Renderer
  7. βœ… Wrote unit testing for existing code (0% ➑ 100% test coverage)
  8. βœ… Refactored stateful App.tsx React.Component to function component
  9. βœ… Refactored existing code to use Tailwind CSS and Redux Toolkit "slices"
  10. βœ… Developed mobile-first, responsive UX design with Tailwind CSS

Technologies Used

  • React v17.0.2 (upgraded from a React v16.8 project bootstrapped with Create React App).

  • React Hooks for React state and lifecycle features.

  • Redux for state management plus Redux Toolkit (RTK) for type safety.

  • Other:

    • Material UI v5 (upgraded from Material UI v3) as a React component library wotj Tailwind CSS for maintainability.
    • date-fns v2.22.1 (upgraded from v2.0.0.alpha-27) for date and time utility functions.

Test Coverage Report - Jest & React Testing Library

npm run test

Launches the test runner and generates code coverage report.

npm test:watch

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

Technical Journal

  • 0.1.0 Existing codebase: Create React App v16.8 + Material UI v3
  • 0.1.1 First commit by Dr. Derek Austin: chore: delete yarn.lock
  • 0.2.0 Upgraded all dependencies and established best practices
  • 0.2.1 Developed first working development build in Next.js
  • 0.2.2 Deployed production build to Vercel using CI/CD and Husky
  • 0.3.0 Corrected CSS to match design and redirected / to /calendar
  • 0.3.1 Replaced index.css & App.css w/ Tailwind CSS in _document.tsx
  • 0.3.2 Destructured separate props objects for improved readability
  • 0.4.0 Refactored React-Redux connect API to the new hooks API
  • 0.4.1 Flattened @/components/**/* to @/components/* for organization
  • 0.4.2 Replaced bug-prone indices in React key props with unique IDs
  • 0.4.3 Enabled Jest support for TypeScript .tsx files with babel-jest
  • 0.5.0 Wrote unit and integration test coverage for the existing code
  • 0.6.0 Added tests for Next pages, bringing initial test coverage to 100%
  • 0.7.0 Improved UX by placing second Add Reminder FAB within <AddAgenda>
  • 0.8.0 Refactored to use Tailwind CSS and Redux Toolkit (RTK) createSlice
  • 0.9.0 Implemented feature to add reminders to the calendar using RTK
  • 0.9.1 Designed animated motion toggle to switch between icons and hours
  • 0.9.2 Created dark mode for app using Tailwind CSS plus SVG animation toggle


πŸ“† Calendar App - React-Redux w/ TypeScript + Material UI v5 + Tailwind CSS + Next.js 11 + React 17 βœ… Code Extended to Add and Display Reminders by Dr. Derek Austin πŸ‘€ View Production Build at I extended this React-Redux calendar app to include the ability to add and display reminders or appointments.









  • TypeScript 81.2%
  • JavaScript 11.1%
  • CSS 7.6%
  • Shell 0.1%