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☎️ Phonebook "Filter by Age" App - Next.js 13 + React 18 + Tailwind CSS + XState + CRUD Operations πŸ‘€ View Production Build at This is a simple phonebook app that supports CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) and "filter by age" functionality. The app provides a form to edit the contacts.

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☎️ Phonebook "Filter by Age" App - Next.js 13 + React 18 + Tailwind CSS + XState + CRUD Operations

πŸ‘€ View Production Build at

This is a simple phonebook app that supports CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) and "filter by age" functionality.

The app provides a form where you can enter a name, birthday, mailing address,phone number, and email for each phonebook entry.

Below you will find the complete feature set, a discussion section, and my technical journal.

Tech Stack

  1. βœ… Next.js 13
  2. βœ… React 18
  3. βœ… Tailwind CSS
  4. βœ… TypeScript
  5. βœ… XState finite state machines
  6. βœ… localStorage used as database
  7. βœ… Vercel for deployment
  8. βœ… TravisCI for CI/CD
  9. βœ… Jest + React Testing Library
  10. βœ… ESLint + Prettier + Husky Git Hooks

Feature List

  1. βœ… Used Next.js version 13.0.3 with React 18.2.0 and Tailwind CSS 3.2.4.
  2. βœ… Deployed Next.js production build to Vercel with CI/CD at Travis CI.
  3. βœ… Established engineering best practices:
    • Prettier, ESLint, Husky (Git Hooks), tsconfig.json, TypeScript Import Sorter, XState
  4. βœ… Implemented XState finite state machine to handle application state.
  5. βœ… Built accessible dialog (modal) using Headless UI and Tailwind CSS.
  6. βœ… Added various tooltips that appear on hover to improve user experience.
  7. βœ… Enabled CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, and RESET actions using React Hook Form.
  8. βœ… Sorted data by last name for a consistent user experience in the app.
  9. βœ… Matched design document with READ and filter by age range functionality.
  10. βœ… Add some unit testing for the app with Jest & React Testing Library.

Discussion Section

  1. βœ… We use XState finite state machines. The benefit of XState is the finite set of states, without the need for additional testing.
  2. βœ… It would be easy to connect any database without affecting the frontend by simplying replacing the localStorage calls in XState.
  3. βœ… We don't handle phone or email validation at all, but we would probably want some type of reliable validation in production.
  4. βœ… The entire codebase could use more testing, which is made easier by the large number of small, easily-testable components.
  5. βœ… Like with many projects, the design document left out certain features: RESET, dialogs (modals), hover styles, and animations.
  6. βœ… Because of the combination of localStorage with XState, we have auto-save functionality that supports refreshing the page.
  7. βœ… Since the only major touch screen interaction difference is swiping, we shouldn't have much differences with desktop vs. mobile.
  8. βœ… Accessibility has been baked into the app, but we might find some issues when writing tests or using the app with the keyboard.
  9. βœ… I implemented 3 breakpoints: phone portrait (<640px), tablet or phone landscape (>=640px <1280px), and desktop (>1280px).
  10. βœ… There are numerous improvements that could still be made to the user experience, such as a hover effect to show the contact's age.

Test Coverage Report - Jest & React Testing Library

yarn test

Launches the test runner and generates code coverage report.

yarn test:watch

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

Technical Journal

🧠 Features up to 1.0.0 are the "filter by name" app

  • πŸ”½
  • 0.1.1 New app: create next-app w/TypeScript + Yarn 3
  • 0.2.0 Added all best practices & basic dependencies
  • 0.3.0 Create XState finite state machine for app
  • 0.4.0 Add initial (default) values and RESET action
  • 0.5.0 Implement design of app from design document
  • 0.6.0 Build out the search filter and DELETE action
  • 0.7.0 Make the dialog (modal) to handle CRUD actions
  • 0.8.0 Use React Hook Form to handle dialog actions
  • 0.9.0 Enable CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, RESET actions
  • 0.9.1 Finish the discussion section in the
  • 1.0.0 Upload photos and migrate to Next 13's @/app

🧠 Features after this point are the "filter by age" app

  • πŸ”½
  • 1.1.0 Refactor 15 components & fix photo deletion bug
  • 1.2.0 Extract <ContactCard> components and TDD test
  • 1.3.0 Match <ContactCard> to design & pass tests
  • 1.4.0 Implement accessible mobile navigation menu
  • 1.5.0 Align the mobile design with design document
  • 1.6.0 Enact the "filter by age" logic and dropdown
  • 1.7.0 Fix the CREATE & UPDATE actions with new fields
  • 1.8.0 Invent a 2-column design for tablet screens


☎️ Phonebook "Filter by Age" App - Next.js 13 + React 18 + Tailwind CSS + XState + CRUD Operations πŸ‘€ View Production Build at This is a simple phonebook app that supports CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) and "filter by age" functionality. The app provides a form to edit the contacts.




