A collection of Vagrantfiles and Ansible playbooks to configure a portable development environment in a VM. Useful to setup quickly fresh environments ready to develop or test apps.
- Virtualbox or VMWare
- Vagrant
Once installed Vagrant, choose an available environment (e.g. "Java"), go into that folder and run via terminal (Powershell for Windows, Shell for Unix):
vagrant up
To automatically download and set up a Virtual Machine with everything you have specified in Vagrantfile and playbook already setup.
To install only new provisioned tools, after starting the VM run:
vagrant provision
You can customize versions and tools just modifying the playbook.yml.
- Java: JDK 1.8, Maven 3.8.4 Docker, Docker-compose (latest).
- Avoid repeated provisioning from Ansible
- Use vars in playbook (not working for "roles")