homelab-compose is where my applications are deployed from
ansible-playbooks is where my server setup and related playbooks are kept
- ZFS datasets are created
- Any encryption is automatically decrypted
- Systemd is setup with dependencies such that docker doesn't start until ZFS datasets are mounted
- Bitwarden Secrets CLI is set. I'm using my .envrc file (ignored) to set my access token as well as an environment variable for the ansible vault key value in my vault.
just encrypt
before commit - I vault the entire inventory file out of simplicity
Here's an example .envrc
file you can use with direnv to automatically setup your shell so that `just can use bitwarden secrets in deployment and you don't have to keep sensitive info all over the place
# shortcut for creating new venv environments based on the current working directory
export envname=./.venv/$(basename $PWD)
venvenvnew() {
python3 -m venv $envname
source $envname/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pdbpp pyflyby
echo $(basename $PWD) | lolcat
source $envname/bin/activate || venvenvnew
# For Bitwarden Secrets Manager
# bitwarden login -> secrets manager -> projects -> <whatever project> -> machine accounts