The goal of this project is to provide an open source solution for staff vacation planning. Furthermore I try to write a highly configurable tool collection to enable everybody fitting their needs.
This software is capable of running on multiple platforms due to it's usage of Java/Swing. It's developed and tested under UNIX like operating systems but runs under Windows too. Please note that using OpenJDK instead of the oracle one will improve your user experience. Running the server software under UNIX (for example NetBSD, FreeBSD or Linux) will also save you some trouble.
Simply type ant within the top level directory of the repository you just cloned and you're good to go.
The following stuff is required to compile this project:
- git (it's very likely that it's already installed on your system)
- a working JDK (OpenJDK is preferred over the Oracle one, at least version 7)
- a somewhat recent version of Apache Ant
- a few MB of free disk space would be great
The following Ant targets may be important to you:
- install_all
- install_client
- install_server
- installers
- all
This target will install both the server and the client software to your local machine. This is recommended if you're planning to use that machine both for hosting the server and administrating it. Note that running this target requires root privileges (That means admin rights if you're going to do this on MSWindows). You should also be aware of the fact that every install target doesn't create symlinks to your path or alters your path variable in any way. That means that you have to do that on your own.
This target will only install the client software to your local computer. Doing so is recommended if you have a server running somewhere else. Note that running this target requires root privileges (That means admin rights if you're going to do this on MSWindows). By default this target will install the client to /usr/bin/jcclient and you have to add the executable inside that folder to your path in a manual manner.
Like the name says this target is desired to install the server application to your machine. Note that running this target requires root privileges (That means admin rights if you're going to do this on MSWindows). By default this target will install the client to /usr/bin/jcserver and you have to add the executable inside that folder to your path in a manual manner. Please do not use the setup- server script. It is crappy and will be removed in the near future. You also need to know that Ant can't set up a new user for you. You have to create the user desired to run the server software afterwards manually and add a startup entry to your systems auto start if desired. Note that it is generally a bad idea to run the server as root due to every software being exploitable.
This target creates zipped distributions of the software. This is useful if you don't want to install a complete compile environment on every machine you're going to install the software on. On FreeBSD it is highly recommended to use Poudriere instead of this method.
This target compiles the entire software tree but does not install anything. This especially useful for testing changes and development.
Ant properties can be over written by passing a following argument to Ant before the desired target: -D= The following options may be relevant to you:
- installprefix The directory prefix to install the binaries in. This property defaults to /usr/bin. If you're using MS Windows you should over write this to C://Program Files/ ore something similar.
- logdirprefix The directory prefix where the log files should go. This value defaults to /var/log but may be changed to fit your needs. Keep in mind that you need to change the server startup script as well if you're going to change this.
- dbdirprefix This property defines where the server's database and their backups should be stored and defaults to /var/jc
Please visit for further details.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 (also known as GPLv3). For further information read or go to