This program is trading bot that checks price of stock-market every minute and decides if trade should be executed or not.
When certen conditions are met the trade is executed.
- Imidiately after trade is executed selling spot is choosen,
- when stock's price hits that spot the stock is traded,
- selling spot is 10% below and 20% abow buying price,
- trades are executed through Alpaca api
Technologies used:
- express framework
- node.js,
- axios,
- alpca api
This program can be expanded by adding option to trade mutiple stocks at once, for now it is only possible to trade one stock at once,
gif of program runing
Building this program i worked with a loat of api calls. Because of that i upgraded my knowladge of axios library, api calls and async programing
- Starting program:
- git clone
- npm install
- npm run