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Postgresql Types with Clojure JDBC

This library provides conversion between postgresql types and structures and those used in Clojure on top of

Design and Architecture

This library is focused on Postgresql type conversion. It provides automatic conversion in the simple case. This library is unobtrusive. It does not force an all or nothing approach. The design is such that the various conversion can be enabled at a fine granularity. This library provides a low level API to the end of defining custom type conversions selectively on the Postgresql type and the type of the providing respectively receiving entity.

Release and Dependency Information

  • pg-types "3.0.0"

Java, Clojure, and Postgresql Drivers Dependencies

This version has been tested against Java 11 and Java 8. It is tested against Clojure version 1.10 but older versions should work too. The tested Postgresql driver version is 42.2.12.

Breaking changes from version 2.x to 3.x

Timestamps are not automatically converted to org.joda.time.DateTime types. The value of a timestamp is now of type java.sql.Timestamp. The latter can be cumbersome to handle but is easily converted to more accessible types for example via Clojure.Java-Time:

(java-time/local-date my-timestamp)
(java-time/local-time my-timestamp)

Adjusting Legacy Code to Work with Version 3.x

Automatic conversion of timestamps via clj-time is still available by opting in:

(ns my-ns

As clj-time has been deprecated and we do not recommend to do this for new code.

Even for legacy code consider to convert isolated values manually when needed for example with (clj-time.coerce/from-sql-time my-timestap).

Note also that submitting org.joda.time.DateTime types directly is still enabled by default.


Basic Usage

Requiring the pg-types.all namespace enables automatic conversion for all implemented pg types, providers and receivers. See the following for concrete examples:

(ns pg-types.examples
    [ :as jdbc]
    [pg-types.connection :as connection]

; defines connection parameter based on the env vars PGUSER, etc ...
(def conn (connection/env-db-spec))

; converting a map to ad from json (and also jsonb as of postgresql 9.4)
(def a-map-to-and-from-json
  (jdbc/query conn
              ["SELECT ?::json as json_map"
               {:x 42 :a [ 1 2 "Foo" true nil]}]))

; arrays work to for json
(def an-array-to-and-from-json
  (jdbc/query conn
              ["SELECT ?::json as json_array"
               [ 1 2 "Foo" true nil]]))

; converting a lazy seq to a pg array and then to persistent vector
(def lazy-seq-to-array-to-persistent-vector
  (jdbc/query conn
              ["SELECT ?::int[] as vector"
               (map identity [ 1 2 ])]))

; uuid conversion from string, returns a java.util.UUID
; note: uuid conversion also works for query parameters in the where clause
(def string-to-uuid
  (jdbc/query conn
              ["SELECT ?::uuid as id"

; timestamp conversion from a iso8601 string, returns a org.joda.time.DateTime as used with clj-time
; note: this would also accept DateTime and of course java.sql.Timestamp as input
(def string-to-timestamp-to-date-time
  (jdbc/query conn
              ["SELECT ?::timestamp as some_date_time"

Enabling Conversions Selectively

Requiring pg-types.sql-parameter.timestamp will enable the conversions from String (in the way described in the previous section) and DateTime to the Postgresql timestamp type. Other parameter import conversions are defined in their corresponding namespace under pg-types.sql-parameter.

Conversely requiring pg-types/read-column/timestamp will enable the conversion from Postgresql timestamp to DateTime. Other export conversions are defined in their corresponding namespace under

Implementing Conversions for Custom Enumerated Types

Custom types such as "Enumerated Types" require custom conversions.

See ./test/pg_types/enum_test.clj for an annotated example.

Advanced Usage and Internals

Background provides the protocol ISQLParameter for converting data from Clojure to the database system. Clojure Protocols are single dispatch within the java type hierarchy and in the case of ISQLParameter on the input type, e.g. IPersistentMap. However, what is generally required for importing a value is dispatch on the Postgresql data type and the input type. This is not possible with Clojure protocols.

Import via the convert-parameter Multimethod

This library hooks into ISQLParameter by (re-) implementing it for java.lang.Object and routing the import via the convert-parameter multimethod. The default implementation passes the value on. It has thus the same effect as the original protocol implementation. The implementing methods receive all parameters of ISQLParameter's set-parameter and additionally the Postgresql type-name as a keyword. The multimethod dispatch is on the type-name keyword and the input type. The implementation is in the namespace pg-types.sql-parameter.clj.

Export via the convert-column Multimethod

The convert-column Multimethod follows the same principle as convert-parameter by hooking into the IResultSetReadColumn protocol. The implementation is located in


As mentioned previously, this library is designed to be unobtrusive. It is unlikely, that it will conflict or influence other libraries. The sole exception is if a library also (re-) implements ISQLParameter or IResultSetReadColumn for java.lang.Object.

It is far more likely that other code implements either of the two protocols with specific types which will disable the provided multimethods accidentally or by purpose. We mentioned the restrictions of protocols and requirements to dispatch on multiple properties for implementing ISQLParameter. It stands therefore to reason not to provide any implementation for ISQLParameter but define methods for the multimethod convert-parameter.

Arrays and the type-name Keyword Dispatch Value

The type-name of an array of some type is the type-name prefixed with an underscore _, eg _text for a column text[]. This will not be dispatched as :_text but simply as :_. All array types are therefore captured e.g. with

(defmethod convert-column [:_ Array]
  [_ array rsmeta idx]
Converting values within Arrays

The values within an array will not be subject to whatever is implemented either for IResultSetReadColumn or convert-column. This is how works together with the Postgresql driver. The default implementation of convert-column for arrays applies a little trick to achieve this by re injecting the scalar to convert-value, see ./src/pg_types/read_column/array.clj. Apparently, the value rsmeta and idx are not reliable for the consumer in this case and therefore nil is set for both.


Copyright © 2020 Thomas Schank

Postgresql Types for Clojure JDBC may be used under the terms of either the

or the


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