This is a fork of the unfortunately not continued Experienced Pixel Dungeon Thanks to TrashboxBobylev for the great work on the original
Note that this fork is only for my personal use
Experienced Pixel Dungeon (Redone) is an open-source pretty grindy traditional roguelike dungeon sandbox with randomized levels, enemies and opportunities to abuse the game, and hundreds of items to collect and grind for. Its based on the source code of Shattered Pixel Dungeon, by 00-Evan.
Experienced Pixel Dungeon currently compiles for Android and Desktop platforms. You can find official releases of the game on:
If you like this game, you can't! Support Evan Debenham, who made Shattered, instead.
The game also has no translation project hosted on Transifex.
Note that this repository does not accept pull requests! The code here is provided in hopes that others may find it useful for their own projects, not to allow community contribution. Issue reports of all kinds (bug reports, feature requests, etc.) are welcome. Or not. I don't actually know.
If you'd like to work with the code, you can find the following guides in /docs