A basic store.
Live at: https://dramex.github.io/EmadStore/
- Create a homepage for your store. ✅
- Create at least 2 other pages (this could include pages such as “about us”, “meet the team”, “shipping details”, etc). ✅
- Additionally, your site must have a catalogue page which lists the items which are for sale. ✅
- Your catalogue page should have at least 5 items for sale (include some details of the item). ✅
- Within the entirety of your site, you should have the following elements:
- At least 5 images. ✅
- At least 3 font sizes (to help differentiate sections). ✅
- At least 2 external links (maybe to a shipping company, or an email address). ✅
- At least 1 table. ✅
- At least 1 list (ordered or unordered, you can choose). ✅
- At least one submit button form (possibly to simulate a login - don’t worry about the functionality of this yet). ✅
- At least one radio button form (you could select different kinds of shipping methods to your location). ✅
- At least one quote/testimonial (this could be from a previous customer or a review). ✅
- Within the entirety of your site, you should have the following styling:
- Use either Grid OR flex or both of them to organize your products ✅
- At least 3 font styles with different colouring effects.✅
- Padding for all images and buttons. ✅
- Borders for all images and tables. ✅
- Background colours/images for all pages. ✅
- All tables must have customised formatting (colours, layout, etc). ✅
- Center all content, with the exception of multiple row items being equally padded around the centre. ✅
- All lists must be customised. ✅
- Apply a colour filter to at least 2 images. ✅
- Clicking on an item should allow the user to see more details about the item, such as a brief description,.specifications and price
- Animate background colours to change between different variants of colours (a bit of Googling here will help you). ✅
- Animate item images to expand when hovered over (or clicked on if you prefer). ✅
- The website should be responsive. ✅