A movie application. Get latest, top rated, upcoming and even theater movies along side there ratings and reviews etc.
- ROOM – A database for offline persistent
- Model – the pojo
- Viewmodel – For UI awarenes
- ButterKnife – For views binding
- Dagger – For dependency injection
- Retrofit – For networking
- YoutubeApi – For playing movie trailers
- YoutubExtractor - For downloading youtube videos in app
- Sort movies according to user preference (Popular, Top Rated, Theatre or even Up coming movies)
- Get movie Casts
- Change theme mode according to user taste(Day and Night)
- Favourite a movie
- Search for a movie
- Play a movie (Trailers)
- Download trailers
In other to finish build this, you’ll need the following
- A computer (Laptop or Desktop)
- Android studios 3.0 up to the latest
This is to those who has contributed one way or the other and to more who are yet to contribute
Note: This application is still under progress, but i hope to get u a better update soon. follow to get notified when a new commit is been updated.
ps: Don't forget to star this project so it can be easily found by other developers.