Droidplanner v2.8.0 RC1
1738 commits
to master
since this release
- GCS only flight's
- Initial ArduPlane support (#1181, #1193, #1080, #1194)
- Compass calibration (#1147)
- Safety info dialog for autonomous takeoff (#1127, #1196)
- Minor follow-me fix (#1176, #1195, #1119)
- Building mapper (#1170, #1171, #1198)
- Drone Locator (#1177)
- Flight screen UI bug-fixes (#1120, #1188, #1182, #1192, #1197, #847)
- Editor UI bug-fixes (#1186, #952, #1187, #1141)
- Just display radio info after receiving it (#1184, #1165)
- Added camera info for GoPro 4 (#1181)
- Mission assistant, auto-add RTL and Land (#1142, #953)
- Mission save filename dialog (#1173)
- Fix Droneshare live-trakking (#1174)
- Codebase clean-up (#1172, #1030, #1191)
- Android updated to API 21 (#1189)
- Analytics update (#1180)
- Travis-CI updates (#1185)
- Add libraries licenses information (#1164)