List of requirements:
- Modify
endpoint to allow search products. - Implement
endpoint:- Endpoint should receive all products in the cart
- Endpoint should return total price of all products
- Endpoint should return shipping cost:
- $15 for a total quantity equal to or lower than 5,
- $5 for total quantity of cart above 5 but lower then 10
- $0 for total quantity above 10.
- docker & docker-compose
- Copy default env variables from example file
cp .env.example .env
- Start project (
docker-compose up
) - Run migration
docker exec -it recruitment-task yarn migration:up
- Generate seeds
docker exec -it recruitment-task yarn seed:products
docker-compose up
- starts the application locally. For the first time this will build and download all necessary images.
docker-compose build
- rebuilds application's image. It is required if you edit or any other docker related file.
docker exec -it recruitment-task /bin/bash
- attaches to running container's bash.
docker exec -it recruitment-task COMMAND
- runs a command in already running application's container
docker-compose run workspace /bin/bash
- starts a new container and attaches to its bash.
Starting new conainer with specified COMMAND will overwrite development image entrypoint.