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chore: release v0.5.0-beta.8
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* (DutchmanNL) Capability to automatically detect new devices added
* (DutchmanNL) Ensures a compatible pillow version is used (10.0.1)
* (SimonFischer04) Add pillow python package by default, resolves #188
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DutchmanNL committed Nov 24, 2023
1 parent d7a06a8 commit e20b325
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Showing 5 changed files with 23 additions and 23 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
# Older changes
## 0.4.0 (2023-11-03)
* (DutchmanNL) Added cleanup capability for unused channels & states after initialization of a device, resolves #39
* (DutchmanNL) Added button to an info channel which allows to delete all offline devices from an adapter tree. resolves #39
* (DutchmanNL) [Breaking] Backup strategy changed, requires [BackitUp v2.9.1]( and activate option for ESPHome, fixes #129

## 0.3.2 (2023-11-01)
* (DutchmanNL) Improved error handling if devices are not reachable/disconnected
* (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: Allow control of brightness and color for a light component, resolves #173
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7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ If you like my work, please consider a personal donation
* (DutchmanNL)
### 0.5.0-beta.8 (2023-11-24)
* (DutchmanNL) Capability to automatically detect new devices added
* (DutchmanNL) Ensures a compatible pillow version is used (10.0.1)
* (SimonFischer04) Add pillow python package by default, resolves #188
Expand All @@ -205,11 +205,6 @@ If you like my work, please consider a personal donation
* (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: Allow individual API password or encryption keys for devices, resolves #174
* (DutchmanNL) Support ESPHome device Encryption Key (you should migrate from API password to Encryption Key ! resolves #152)

### 0.4.0 (2023-11-03)
* (DutchmanNL) Added cleanup capability for unused channels & states after initialization of a device, resolves #39
* (DutchmanNL) Added button to an info channel which allows to delete all offline devices from an adapter tree. resolves #39
* (DutchmanNL) [Breaking] Backup strategy changed, requires [BackitUp v2.9.1]( and activate option for ESPHome, fixes #129

## License
MIT License

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28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions io-package.json
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@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
"common": {
"name": "esphome",
"version": "0.5.0-beta.7",
"version": "0.5.0-beta.8",
"news": {
"0.5.0-beta.8": {
"en": "Capability to automatically detect new devices added\nEnsures a compatible pillow version is used (10.0.1)\nAdd pillow python package by default, resolves #188",
"de": "Möglichkeit, neue Geräte automatisch zu erkennen\nSicherstellen das Pillow version (10.0.1) verwendet wird\nFügen Sie Kissen-Python-Paket standardmäßig hinzu, löst #188",
"ru": "Возможность автоматического обнаружения добавленных устройств\nОбеспечивает совместимую версию подушки используется (10.0.1)\nДобавьте пакет python подушки по умолчанию, решает #188",
"pt": "Capacidade de detectar automaticamente novos dispositivos adicionados\nGarante uma versão de travesseiro compatível é usada (10.0.1)\nAdicionar pacote python travesseiro por padrão, resolve #188",
"nl": "Funktionaliteit om automatisch nieuwe apparaten te detecteren\nZekerstellen dat Pillow versie 10.0.1 gebruikt wordt\nAdd kussen python pakket bij defect, resolutie 188",
"fr": "Capacité de détecter automatiquement de nouveaux appareils ajoutés\nAssure qu'une version d'oreiller compatible est utilisée (10.0.1)\nAjouter le paquet python d'oreiller par défaut, résout #188",
"it": "Capacità di rilevare automaticamente nuovi dispositivi aggiunti\nConsente di utilizzare una versione di cuscino compatibile (10.0.1)\nAggiungere il pacchetto del pitone del cuscino per impostazione predefinita, risolve #188",
"es": "Capacidad para detectar automáticamente nuevos dispositivos añadidos\nGarantiza que se utilice una versión de almohada compatible (10.0.1)\nAñadir paquete de pitón de almohada por defecto, resuelve #188",
"pl": "Umożliwość automatycznego wykrywania nowych urządzeń dodano do dyspozycji nowe urządzenia\nWykorzystywana wersja poduszki jest używana (10,0,1)\nAddd pillow python domyślnie rozwiązał pakiet #188",
"uk": "Можливість автоматично визначати нові пристрої\nЗабезпечує сумісну подушку версії (10.0.1)\nДодати подушку python пакет за замовчуванням, вирішує #188",
"zh-cn": "自动发现新装置的能力\n确保采用兼容的导游版本(10.0.1)\n第188号行动"
"0.5.0-beta.4": {
"en": "Refactor memory caching of device data, resolves #189",
"de": "Refactor-Speicher Caching von Gerätedaten, löst #189",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,19 +93,6 @@
"pl": "Poprawiona obsługa błędów, jeśli urządzenia nie są dosyć dopasowalne i rozproszone\nBugfix: Allow kontrola jasności i koloru dla komponentów świetlnych naprawia numer #173",
"uk": "Поліпшення обробки помилок, якщо пристрої не досягаються / відключені\nПомилки: Дозволяє контролювати яскравість і колір для легкого компонента, закріплює #173",
"zh-cn": "如果装置无法达到/无联系,改进错误处理\nBugfix: 允许控制光明和颜色,确定第173号行动。"
"0.3.1": {
"en": "Bugfix: Show online state of ESP Device correctly, Fixes #106",
"de": "Bugfix: Online-Zustand von ESP Device korrekt anzeigen, Fixes #106",
"ru": "Bugfix: Показать онлайн состояние ESP Device правильно, Fixes #106",
"pt": "Bugfix: Mostrar estado on-line de ESP dispositivo corretamente, correções #106",
"nl": "Bugfix: Vertoon online staat van ESP Device correct, Fixes 106",
"fr": "Bugfix: Afficher l'état en ligne de l'appareil ESP correctement, Fixes #106",
"it": "Bugfix: Mostrare lo stato online del dispositivo ESP correttamente, Fisse #106",
"es": "Bugfix: Mostrar el estado online del dispositivo ESP correctamente, Fijaciones #106",
"pl": "Bugfix: Programy internetowe ESP Device poprawnie ↓, s. 106",
"uk": "Помилки: Показати онлайн стан ESP Пристрої правильно, Виправлення #106",
"zh-cn": "Bugfix: ESP Device在线状况,Fixes #106"
"title": "Control ESPHome managed devices",
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions package-lock.json

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "iobroker.esphome",
"version": "0.5.0-beta.7",
"version": "0.5.0-beta.8",
"description": "Control your ESP8266/ESP32 with simple yet powerful configuration files created and managed by ESPHome",
"author": {
"name": "DutchmanNL",
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