Convert bank CSV to YNAB 4 CSV format using python
A simple python script to convert CSV files downloaded from supported banks to the import format supported for YNAB 4.
Charles Schwab
Only works with posted transations. The pending transactions are removed from the CSV during conversion.
Capital One
YNAB4 will import bank items with incorrect dates and this will cause performance issues. Someone created a ruby script to fix the issue.
require 'json'
file = 'path/to/Budget.yfull'
data = JSON.parse(
startCount = data["monthlyBudgets"].size
data["monthlyBudgets"].delete_if { |month|
endCount = data["monthlyBudgets"].size
print "Deleted #{startCount - endCount} empty months was #{startCount} now #{endCount}"
File.write(file, data.to_json)
print "\n"
Modify the script as needed and save it in a *.rb file type. Run the file by typing ruby <fileName.rb>