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Releases: Duffion/d-plugin-fulcrum

Alpha - Prototype Release -

17 Aug 21:30
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Plugin Update Overview

Version -

Bug Fixes / Errors

  • Installation fix for ghost /api/ folder error - Installing the plugin with an install that has WP_DEBUG turned on the php will show several Warning Notices for things that are not defined in the scope

  • Fixes:

  • Updated the logic within the autoloader function that will check if the directory legitimatly exists before running the problem / Noticed action

  • Updated the system configuration to force no checks for the folders that are no longer in the build in order to provide an actual fix for this notice

  • Product Category Scraper

  • Issue: Found some problems with the validation and security checking for submissions

  • For a proper fix that will scale with the plugin future development we created a new standardized handler that all modules have access too that will allow them to properly validate incoming fields based on what is expected in our configuration

  • Integrated this new input method to work with all current modules

  • Integrated response / basic error handling and reporting to the user for what went wrong when saving their form

  • Issue: Submission of the Auto draft publisher form needed extra modification updates to make the new validator work for normally submitted forms (non ajax)

  • To solve this I had to expand the new validation sequences to react differently based on if the call is ajax or not (defaults to false)

  • Integrated this to the ADP submission module

UI/UX - Frontend Updates

  • Product Category Scrapper - Module
  • Updated the category list on each card / job details to show actual category names
  • Added base styling to the interface to clean it up a bit
  • Added display logic to change the "Last Run Notification"
  • Updated category list to be expandable on action click
  • Added better spacing to clean up the display

Auto Publish Products - Module

  • Added select and deselect all functionality and frontend updates
  • Updated dom and design to better flow and look a bit more organized
  • Added new total published count from our log of previously published posts from the plugin

Feature enhancements / Additions

  • Added in better / proper error handling to the modal process for forms used by any module

System Changes / Framework Updates
Normalization refactors:

  • Refactored the /assets/src/js/pcs-module.js class in order to normalize it to be used by any of the plugin modules
  • Moved all handlers / primary PCS class functions to a general module
  • ADP - Refactor notes
  • Updated the core logic for the module handlers
  • Added new javascript handlers that allow for select all and deselect all to work properly
  • Global
  • Added new trait (reusable function) for normalizing Post Requests / Submitted validation
  • Created custom tailored security / data submission security and validation rules
  • Within each primary module PHP class if there is a defined scope for $this->validations that is an array with validation rules present then anytime a submission comes from a module it will run those custom validation rules to our input data
  • The system will also sanitize all input data and if validation config is not set then it will just make sure all post data contains content
  • Added normalized error out response handler
  • Added trait for normalizing response data from the module action
  • Created normalized functionality for handling nonce security from form submission validation on data input checking
  • Integrated all our modules to use our new traits / recyclable features for each module class
  • Integration required refactor of all key components / process of current modules in order to properly normalize our helpers across the platform
  • Added new error handling agent for errored responses from our server request (for ajax calls)

Alpha - Prototype Release - 0.9.7

11 Aug 07:59
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  • Literally nothing was changed, testing update function

Alpha - Prototype Release -

11 Aug 20:57
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Primary functional Release

Alpha - Prototype Release - 0.9.6

11 Aug 07:57
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  • Fixed issue with loader

Alpha - Prototype Release - 0.9.5

11 Aug 07:43
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Alpha - Prototype Release - 0.9.4

11 Aug 07:31
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  • Removed api dir from autoloader

Alpha - Prototype Release - 0.9.3

11 Aug 07:26
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  • Fixed an issue with the autoincludes directories
  • Updated plugin dir path

Alpha - Prototype Release - 0.9.2

11 Aug 07:14
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Fixed an issue with the auto loader
Fixed a directory root issue

Alpha - Prototype Release - 0.9.1

11 Aug 07:01
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First release is the sweetest.

This release is to allow for the following modules to work with the clients wordpress syncs with fulcrum pos.

Auto Draft Publisher

  • Select categories from checkboxes
  • Save selection for automated background process to run through them and publish them from drafts

Image Cleaner

  • Automated cron job that handles searching for image duplicates and rerouting them then removing the duplicates
  • No settings
  • View history count of removed images from module page

Product Category Scraper

  • Allow for user to create a job that will run based on settings given to that job
  • User creates search term, allows for category to be created as well as the tag, category selection from multi select
  • Landing page for module displays all the jobs and their categories as well as last time they ran
  • Automated process in background will run through each job and process the items within it

The settings and primary dashboard are not in place yet

** Newest update for handling plugin updates in wp **

Alpha - Prototype Relase

11 Aug 06:41
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First release is the sweetest.

This release is to allow for the following modules to work with the clients wordpress syncs with fulcrum pos.

Auto Draft Publisher

  • Select categories from checkboxes
  • Save selection for automated background process to run through them and publish them from drafts

Image Cleaner

  • Automated cron job that handles searching for image duplicates and rerouting them then removing the duplicates
  • No settings
  • View history count of removed images from module page

Product Category Scraper

  • Allow for user to create a job that will run based on settings given to that job
  • User creates search term, allows for category to be created as well as the tag, category selection from multi select
  • Landing page for module displays all the jobs and their categories as well as last time they ran
  • Automated process in background will run through each job and process the items within it

The settings and primary dashboard are not in place yet